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The Leaven of the Pharisees

In the gospels Jesus speaks of the days of unleavened bread in several places giving us the spiritual meaning of leaven we need to apply to these days as members of God's church. Jesus summarized his teachings with the warning, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. He defined this leaven with two terms hypocrisy and doctrine. In this sermon Mr. Smith shows the hypocrisy of the Pharisees when they asked Jesus questions not to know the correct answers, but rather in attempts to trip Him up. In terms of Doctrine, Mr. Smith shows us from Mark 7 another side of their hypocrisy which Jesus points out in their setting up traditions to avoid obeying direct commandments of God.

Gary Smith was born in Charlotte, North Carolina, but spent most of his youth in the Pasadena, California area. He graduated from Ambassador College in 1976 and he and his wife, Liz, moved to Peoria, Illinois. For the next six years he worked as a nursing home administrator in Illinois, Ohio, and Texas.
In 1982, he and Liz began to serve in the full-time ministry. Since that time, they have served in a number of congregations in the Midwest.
Gary and Liz now pastor in Houston, Texas near their two children and grandson.
Apart from pastoring, Gary enjoys hiking, playing and watching sports, reading and spending time with family.

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