
Are You Playing Church?

The goal of the Church is not merely to help the youth to have fun, strengthen relationships, and become good people. The goal of the Church is to help you become disciples of Jesus Christ. Let’s go through the steps…

Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees

Would you recognize this "leavening" if you saw it today?

The Battle Against Godless Parenting

Parenting is not for the faint of heart! Unfortunately, it's only gotten more difficult as our society moves away from its reliance on and belief in God. In this message, we explore battles on how to raise our children in…

True Christianity

True Christianity lives because Christianity is the most balanced and productive way of living, and is neither odd nor strange. It works. Great amounts of Christ’s teachings were the basic principles of interpersonal relationships. But do we really believe that…

Lip Service

Many people are hypocrites – those who praise and honor God and His Law with their lips but do not “practice what they preach.” We must not be like them – our adherence to God’s Way must not be limited…

Leaven vs. Unleaven

Yeast is a leavening agent used to make bread rise, or "puff up." In man, sin can be considered as a form of puffed-up attitudes that are contrary to God's ways. God associates leaven as sin in our lives, yet…

Lessons From the Life of Judas Iscariot

Judas Iscariot is perhaps the most tragic individuals of the Bible, having thrown away a tremendous future in God's kingdom, and at the same time becoming the most infamous traitor of all time. In this sermon, Bob McCurdy discusses Judas'…

Fundamental Elements of the Days of Unleavened Bread

This sermon traces the biblical instructions for how and why the Days of Unleavened Bread are to be kept. Literal instructions of "how," given while Israel was still in the land of Egypt, lead into the metaphorical explanations of the…

The Leaven of the Pharisees

In the gospels Jesus speaks of the days of unleavened bread in several places giving us the spiritual meaning of leaven we need to apply to these days as members of God's church. Jesus summarized his teachings with the warning…

The Three Leavens

Leaven is a representation used to describe a product of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herod. What was it about the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herod, or the Herodian’s, that Jesus wanted his followers to beware of? The Pharisees, Sadducees and Herodians…