Given In

Oshkosh, WI
Congregation Members Only

Our Passover Examination

Self Examination Prepares Us For Passover

Every year before observing the Passover we are instructed to examine ourselves. However, in order to do this properly we should have a basic understanding of why we do this, what we are to examine for, and how to go about doing our examinations. This sermons looks to lay the foundation to answer these questions and hopefully set the tone for a spiritually renewing Passover.

Devin Schulz is a pastor with the United Church of God. He and his wife, Tiffany, serve the congregations in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and Lansing, Michigan, and Elkhart, Indiana. They are blessed with a son, Malachi, who was born in 2016 and a son, Jeremiah, born in 2019.

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