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What Does Heir of God Mean?

What does it mean to be an "heir" and a "joint heir" with Christ?

This is the panoramic view of what God has planned for humanity in His plan of salvation? The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans chapter 8 that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will eventually revealed in us, when we are glorified as sons of God. What does he mean? God is not minimizing the suffering that we have and must endure, He is telling us to put in perspective. We also struggle with why, where is justice, where is God? But God promises to always love us and to never leave us.

Due to health issues, Mr. Damour retired from the full-time ministry after forty years of service.   Mr. and Mrs. Damour have served God’s people in West Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Illinois, and Texas.

Mr. Damour holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from Central Washington State University and a Masters Degree in Theology from Ambassador College.

He and his wife Lisa attend the Dallas Texas congregation.

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