
God's Will for Your Life

How much does God control? How much of what happens on earth is God’s will? Is it His will that people suffer? Is every success or failure in your life God’s will?

A Chosen One

God is very much aware of what goes on. He's very much aware of our needs, our hurts, our disappointments, and everything else. He's able to give us the courage and the strength to be victorious.

Where to Go in Times of Trouble

We are called to be overcomers. What is the best way to overcome problems and trials? When face with the greatest of troubles, King David give us a great example of what to do, and where to go in times…

Count Your Blessings

People’s hearts often turn to God when they are in trouble, and yet less often when things are going well. We need to count our blessings, not only at Thanksgiving, but every day of the year.

Why? Why? Why?

Why am I suffering so much and for so long? Why? I am faithful to God, I am obeying God. Why doesn't God hear my petitions and heal me now? Didn't God promise me healing? So why did He decide…
A man sitting outside with his hand on his head.

Five Tools for Dealing With Trials

What can you do when you have tried everything to solve a problem? Here are five tools to help turn trials into godly character.
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Questions God Asks You

Why would God query you? Isn’t He all-knowing? What kind of answers would He expect? Are you prepared for a challenge?
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God's Promises: Part 4

What do you do when you face trials? When you are struggling, claim this promise of God!

Coping Well in Troubled Times

Consider four truths that will help you to cope well in these troubled times.
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Why Do Good People Suffer?

If there is an all-powerful, loving Creator, why does He allow distress and suffering? Discover the important answer.