
"...but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations" (Genesis 48:19).

Britain's greatness was prophesied in the Bible, thousands of years before it came into existence as a nation. The resources below explore this prophecy and its implication for the past, present and future of this declining superpower.

A photo of a young Queen Elizabeth standing in front of an army ambulance,

70 Years of Elizabeth II, The Servant Queen

In the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year, we reflect on a beloved figure exemplifying dignity and devotion yet sadly not preserving her realms from moral plummet and decline.
Media Production

Are the United States and Britain in the Bible?

Discover what prophecy reveals about this question and why it’s vital for you to know the answer.

Brexit: A Milestone in Prophecy

Speaker: Mr. Pebworth 2/1/20 PowerPoint used during sermon is under the DOWNLOADS tab... ~ ~ ~ NOTE: The slide on the Greco-Macedonia empire incorrectly states the fall of the empire at 27 AD when it should have been 27 BC…
With the Normandy beachhead secured, vast numbers of Allied troops and military vehicles flood ashore.

D-Day and Divine Intervention

On this 75th anniversary of D-Day, a crucial event in the push to Allied victory in World War II, we look back on the remarkable miracle of its success—an answer to prayer and the fulfillment of destiny.

Why Understand the Modern Identity of the Tribes of Israel

The vital key to unlocking Bible prophecy and end time events and God's loving faithfulness. To understand the identity of the tribes of ancient Israel in modern times makes God's prophecies come alive!
A United States and Great Britain flag.


For nearly a decade the United States has been withdrawing from world leadership. What’s actually happening? And what does the future hold for the country’s role in the world?
A busy street scene in London, England,

Bible Prophecy and You

This lesson will explore some of what the Bible foretold about the rise to prominence of two great nations of modern times.
Media Production

Brexit: Part 1 - An Official Reality

On March 29, 2017, the United Kingdom officially began the process of removing itself from the European Union.
The White Cliffs of Dover are cliffs that form part of the English coastline facing the Strait of Dover and France.

The Ancient Brits Leave Modern Europe

The shock waves have died down, but the effects will continue. The British people voted to leave the European Union, and it came as a great surprise to many, including even the British government under then-Prime Minister David Cameron. But...
Night scene in London, England with the Big Ben Tower in the back ground.

Is a British Exit from the European Union Required to Fulfill Bible Prophecy?

While it appears that Brexit will proceed, we should realize that it’s not a foregone conclusion that Britain will actually exit the European Union. And even if it does, it may still be significantly entangled and subject to EU rules.