Beyond Today Television Program

Are the United States and Britain in the Bible?

Discover what prophecy reveals about this question and why it’s vital for you to know the answer. 


[Steve Myers] There will be a day of reckoning, but there's good news. Doesn't have to be disaster for all, prophecy shows God wants to bless every one of us.

Prophecy is such an interesting topic, especially for me end-time prophecy, things that will happen in the end. When I first became interested I found that as I looked through the Bible it mentioned many modern nations. Especially when you look through the Bible you'll find the Bible mentions countries like Egypt, countries that are around today. It even mentioned Syria as well. And so as I got more interested I began to get out my Bible and started looking for the big nations, the big nations that are around today because I wanted to know what the future would hold for them. I mean I knew that there were amazing prophecies that were recorded long ago, prophecies that had been fulfilled especially when you think of Greece and Rome. The Bible talks about those. It talks about prophecies that are coming to pass and still others that will come to pass in the future.

But as I looked I thought there must be something about the greatest nations of today, but you know I couldn't find America in the Bible. The term the United States of America wasn't there. It was for me missing in action. In fact you know what else I found, the largest empire in the history of the world, Great Britain. I couldn't find it by that name in the Bible. So as I thought about that I was even reminded about what's going on in Hong Kong today. I mean that used to be a part of the British Empire. What is going on over there? Was that empire in prophecy? I mean it used to be called that empire that the sun never set on, the British Empire. I mean is it possible that these two great superpowers, they weren't even mentioned in end-time prophecy? That really startled me.

But I came to find a key, a key I discovered was that the Bible doesn't actually refer to them by their modern names. Like Persia, the Bible mentions Persia. Well we know that's associated with Iran today. Bible also talks about Babylon. Well today modern Babylon would be where Iraq is located. And so if I was going to find America and Britain I'd have to look under a different name. If I was going to understand these end-time prophecies I'd have to identify how the Bible refers to them. And so with that in mind I began to realize there actually is a lot of Bible prophecy that specifically identifies Britain and America especially with end-time prophecy. And boy end-time prophecy, that was something I truly wanted to understand. I mean I'd heard that the end-time Bible prophecy refers to the United States, to Great Britain and the tribe of Judah more than any others. But where was I going to find it? Well to start I'd have to go back. In fact, I'd have to go all the way back to the very beginning.

Going back to the Book of Genesis, and in the Book of Genesis I found that God made great promises to one man. His name was Abram. That's the one whose name was later changed to Abraham. And in Genesis Chapter 12 God makes a promise to Abraham. And here's what God told Abraham, He said, "Now, Abraham, get out of your country from your family, from your father's house to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and I will make your name great and you shall be a blessing." God said, "I will bless those who bless you. I will curse him who curses you and in you..." God said, "...all the families of the earth would be blessed." As I read that it's like, well could that have anything to do with the United States and Britain?

We began to see that God actually made a couple of promises to Abraham right there. The promise number one, God would make from him a great nation. Of course when God calls something great, it's great. Now many think that the Jews fulfilled that prophecy, but really have they been a great nation? I mean the Jewish people have been relatively small throughout world history, really looking at any period of history it's been relatively small. And so when you compare that to modern nations, nations like China or India or Russia, Germany - they're far greater. And so when you think of God's promises of national greatness, Abraham's descendants, they must have fulfilled those prophecies among other nations. In fact great nations related to the Jewish people. Now there was that second promise that was also there in Genesis chapter 12, God told Abram, "In you, all the families of the earth would be blessed."

Now that's the promise of Jesus Christ. That's the Messiah. He would come and bring God's plan of salvation through Him so that all could be blessed. So I began to find that God intended to shape all history through His promises to Abraham and then his descendants. I mean it's an amazing story. In fact one that's pretty intricate and one that you'll want to learn more about. So we put together a study aid, it's called "The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy." It says so much about it. You'll want to get the details. Go to our website You can read it right there online or download it to your phone or to your computer so you can read it later, or call us at the number on your screen and we'll send you a copy free of charge, come right to your door so you can have it for yourself because you'll really want to know about it.

Because as I studied about it I found that that wasn't the only promise that God made to Abram. In fact Abram was 99 years old when God spoke to him again and He made a covenant with him. And over in Genesis chapter 17 God said something amazing. Notice what God said, Genesis chapter 17 verse 6, He says this, "I will make you exceedingly fruitful and I will make nations of you and kings shall come from you." Now that's the time that God changed Abram's name to Abraham and that name means a father of multitudes or a father of many nations. And so those national promises got even bigger. It wasn't just going to be a single nation, but multiple nations would descend from Abraham. And so now I began to understand those promises that God made to Abraham were passed along. From Abraham to Abraham's son Isaac, and then from Isaac to his son Jacob, and then to Jacob's son Joseph.

Joseph was one of his 12 sons. Those tribes of Israel that you've heard about. And when you consider those promises passing down throughout the generation it really begins to show the extent of those promises that God made. Over in Genesis chapter 13 God said something amazing to show this vast extent of the promise. In Genesis chapter 13 verse 14 God says this, "Lift your eyes and now look to the place where you are." He said, "Look, northward, southward, eastward, westward for all the land that you see, I give to you and your descendants forever." I was kind of taken back by that, I mean did you catch that? The promise was to extend to vast regions. It was over the entire earth. It wasn't just the promised land, it wasn't just this little sliver of real estate in the Middle East. That's not what it was. The Israelites would spread throughout the world in the future, far beyond the boundaries of just little Palestine.

In fact a key passage that I ran across was one that God had said many years later. Now it wasn't to Abraham or Isaac but to Jacob, God says something amazing. Over in Genesis chapter 35 notice what God says to Jacob in verse 10. God said to him, "Your name is Jacob." He says also, "Then your name shall not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name." So He called his name Israel. God also said to him, "I'm God Almighty, be fruitful and multiply. A nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you and kings shall come from your body." Now some of that sounds like what he promised Abraham but did you notice, God left no doubt. He made it very clear there was a promise of multiple nations to come through Jacob, through Israel, and through him there would be a nation and a company of nations, a company of nations.

Now that was never fulfilled in ancient times, that was never fulfilled by the Jewish people. And of course I remembered what happened to ancient Israel. Israel they were the descendants of Jacob, right? Jacob's sons, the 12 tribes, they came out of Egypt and where did they end up? In the promised land. They reached the peak of their power during the time of King Solomon. But then you remember the story? They split up. They split up into a Northern tribe. Ten tribes in the north formed the Kingdom or the House of Israel. The two tribes in the South, Judah and Benjamin, and a little bit of Levi, they formed the smaller Kingdom or the House of Judah. And here's where the term Jew originated, right here. The Jews were in the South, the Israelites were in the North. And I was amazed to learn, Jews and Israelites are not necessarily the same people when the Bible speaks about that.

And that is so important when it comes Bible prophecy, all Jews are Israelites. They descended from Jacob. Absolutely, they're descendants of Israel. But here's the key, all Israelites are not Jews because there were many tribes of Israel. And so that was important as I began to realize the significance of that very difference because ultimately what happened to them? I mean, both of these kingdoms disappeared. They came off the map in ancient times. In fact history shows the disobedient Israel, the Northern Kingdom was taken into captivity by the Assyrians in 722 BC. Then they never came back. They never returned to their homeland and in fact became known to history as the lost 10 tribes of Israel. Now it wasn't too much after this that Judah the Southern Kingdom, the Jews also sinned. They were carried off and conquered by the Babylonian Empire.

Now that happened in 586 BC, but there was something different about the Jews. They retained their identity. They knew who they were and later a small group of them came back. They returned from Babylon back to Jerusalem, back to that area once again. And so when we follow history through, that's the time then later that Jesus Christ appears on the scene. And so many of those events in the Bible take place after that. But even then that didn't last for long. Eventually the Roman Empire came in, they destroyed Jerusalem and it was all over by the early second century. So as you begin to think about that we fast forward 2000 years later. What happened? Well the Jews were reestablished as the modern State of Israel in 1948. But that's the Jewish people, that's not all the Israelites. That was basically the tribe of Judah not the people of the lost 10 tribes.

And so that takes us back to the prophecy. It was supposed to be Joseph's descendants not Judah's descendants, Joseph's that we're to be great. The promise of national greatness was never fulfilled by Judah or even Israel back in ancient times, certainly not fulfilled by the modern State of Israel either. So how were the promises fulfilled? You see that becomes important because this promise of national greatness wasn't given to the Jews or even the descendants of Judah. Instead Israel, Jacob, told his son Joseph that his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh would be the ones to grow and become great powers on earth. In fact Jacob passed those promises originally given to Abraham down to them. In fact we can even read about this in Genesis chapter 48, notice what happened when Jacob blesses those two boys.

This is in Genesis 48 verse 16, he says, "Bless the lads." Asking God to bless Ephraim and Manasseh, "Let my name be named upon them and the name of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac, and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth." Not just some little thing, God said that promise would mean a world power, a global superpower in scope and in strength. So when was this going to take place? When would it be fulfilled? Does Bible prophecy say anything about that? It does. It does in chapter 49 just after this Jacob calls his sons together and is going to bless each of them and notice what he says, "Gather together that I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days." In the last days, that would mean the time leading up to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

And so when you read about those prophecies it was to bring fabulous wealth. I mean amazing power, influence globally, also meant military dominance. It would be a global scale of power. And in fact a couple of verses later in verse 25 it says, "The Almighty will bless you with the blessings of heaven above" and goes on to say, "They shall be on the head of Joseph." And so what we see here is the descendants of Joseph would become two great peoples, sort of brother nations. Those descended through his son Manasseh they would become a great nation, a tremendous people. And then those who would come through his other son Ephraim would become a group or a multitude of nations and both of them would dominate the earth like no others in history. And so we look around the world today, we could ask, "Well, have these prophecies of Israel's global greatness been fulfilled?"

I mean we'd have to say yes. Think of these two geopolitical powers, descendants from Ephraim was the group of nations that formed the greatest empire the world has ever seen, the British Empire. In fact it ruled over five times the amount of territory of the Roman Empire. Four times the number of people and its territory included almost a quarter of the Earth's population and surface. Much of it the most fertile, productive land of all. And out of it came the Commonwealth of Nations, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and of course not to mention its navy, it ruled the seas. Prophecy fulfilled? I think so. And then of course on the other hand, from Manasseh came the great single nation. And history shows after World War II, America replaced the British Empire as the world's wealthiest and most dominant nation. At one time up to half of the wealth of the world was owned by America.

I mean even though it only had 4% of the world's population, and of course militarily America dominated the 20th century. And still today, still today remains a world superpower. I mean powerful influence really didn't stop there. I mean we have been blessed with religious freedom and that is so critical. The United States and Great Britain they were primarily the instruments in spreading the Bible to most of the world. They brought about the King James Bible and thousands of translations in other languages. In fact it doesn't stop there. They supplied the financial resources and the laborers to bring those Bibles to all parts of the world. In fact it is such an amazing story. One you'll want to learn more about and you can do just that with our study aid, "The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy." It will help you to understand those key passages in the Bible that relate to us today.

And in fact in one section on page 81 it says this, "Through the widespread availability of the Bible, God gave English speaking peoples essential information that they needed to know about what He, God expected of them. In addition, they were exposed to their true identity as descendants of Joseph, through his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh." So you'll want to learn more about that. Get our study aid, "The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy." Go to our website There you can download it. You can read it there online. Get it on your computer or your phone so you can read it at your leisure. You'll really want to know. Otherwise we can send you a free copy if you call us at the number that's shown on your screen. Now of course you think about the Bible and the powerful influence it's had around the world and if you live in a country that's been the recipient of these blessings, we can thank God. We can thank God for His love and His faithfulness and really His generosity in promising all of those blessings.

Not only promising them but he brought them about. He made it happen and I think it's important to recognize that God isn't a respecter of persons. I mean this whole thing about God's promises and blessings, this is not about race. God has a plan. He has a purpose to bless. God gave these promises to Abraham and his descendants, national prominence, prosperity that He promised, but He didn't do it at the expense of other peoples or other nations. Instead God's purpose has always been to lead all people into a permanent relationship with him. God's faithfulness in these physical promises should be a good reminder for us that He is faithful in spiritual things. In fact part of the prophecy given to Abraham was one that just jumped out at me when I read it because I realized this applies now. This has to do with today.

Over in Genesis chapter 22 verse 17, it says something so amazing. God said, "In blessing, I will bless you, and in multiplying, I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand, which is on the seashore." But God didn't stop there. He said, "And your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies." Now when I read that I thought that explains a lot. The British Empire and the United States owned the sea, these passageways, so that goods could be transported all around the world. Services could be shipped all over. They controlled the seas and these important gates so that commerce could take place and it benefited the entire world. In fact when you think about that one of these last strategic gates of your enemies, I mean one of those that the former Great Britain held was Hong Kong. So if you want to know what's going on in our world today, get to know Bible prophecy.

Britain surrendered Hong Kong to mainland China back in 1997. No wonder there's such a people there. They were a free people. But what's going to happen next? That's why all the unrest. In fact what was it that happened to the Suez Canal or what happened to the Panama Canal? You see in the last few decades both the British and the Americans have been forced to give up many of those gates that they formerly controlled. That's amazing to think that was predicted in Bible prophecy. So there is no doubt the Bible is a book for today. It describes the world that we live in. It discusses real world problems and it even shows that the bad news that we see around us really is just a part of the future positive plan that God wants to bring about. In fact our life, our future, may depend on understanding these end-time prophecies and not only understanding them but acting on God's warnings and on His instructions.

So you'll want to know more about it. Be sure you get our study aid, "The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy." Go online, read this for yourself. You'll want to know much more because as you recognize what's written here, you will see so many things in Bible prophecy that will impact your life. So go to or call us at the number on your screen. We have to ask ourselves, have we really appreciated the blessings that God has given us? I mean would it be fair to say America's lost its way? It's drifted away from its biblical foundation. We've lost it and ultimately we will fall. So we must repent. We have to change. We need to return to God and the Bible, our growing national sins are testing God and Bible prophecy is prophecy you need to know because there are dire warnings in the Bible, dire warnings for Britain and America.

And part of the purpose of these prophecies is to shake us up, to wake us up, to help us to change and repent, to turn from our selfish ways, to humbly look to God. I mean isn't that obvious? We've rejected the knowledge of God and His way. The more we've prospered the more our sins have increased. Immorality have sapped our strength and destroyed our national spirit. Our national sins are an affront to Almighty God. I mean when we look around we've enjoyed the wealth. We've enjoyed the national greatness that was promised to Abraham but remember God blessed Abraham because of his obedience to God and his law. Those blessings can also be revoked because of disobedience. We can't properly understand our modern world unless we understand the Bible and God's purpose and have a relationship with God. So now's the time. Now's the time to take the time to learn about it. When we recognize the modern people that prophecy is speaking about, we know those blessings for Jacob were passed on to us and there will be a day of reckoning, but there's good news. Doesn't have to be disaster for all, prophesy shows God wants to bless every one of us. God has proven He's faithful in His physical promises so let's all turn to Him and promise to be faithful in spiritual things.

[Narrator] Call now to receive the free booklet offered on today's program, "The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy." Are America and Britain described in Bible prophecy? If so, where? The truth about the identity of the United States of America and Britain is one of the most fascinating and inspiring stories in the Bible. Order now, call toll free 1-888-886-8632 or write to the address shown on your screen.

This crucial study aid shows straight from the Bible how God foretold the rise of these two nations. The role of the United States is changing, so is Britain's place in the world. There are biblical reasons behind the dramatic events playing out in our times. Learn the truth about the identity of America and Britain.

When you order this free study aid, we'll also send you a complimentary one-year subscription to "Beyond Today" Magazine. Beyond Today brings you understanding of today's world and hope for the future. Six times a year, you'll read about current world events in the light of Bible prophecy, as well as practical knowledge to improve your marriage and family and godly principles to guide you toward a life that leads to peace. Call today to receive your free booklet, "The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy" and your free one-year subscription to "Beyond Today" Magazine. Call 1-888-886-8632 or go online to

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Steve Myers

Steve is the Operation Manager for the Ministerial and Member Services department of the United Church of God. He is also an instructor at Ambassador Bible College as well as a host on the Beyond Today television program.  Together, he and his wife, Kathe, have served God and His people for over 25 years.

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This lesson will explore some of what the Bible foretold about the rise to prominence of two great nations of modern times.

Welcome to the ninth lesson in the “Bible Prophecy and You” series.

Much of Bible prophecy is about the end time—the period leading up to the return of Jesus Christ. And it actually has a lot to say about some of today’s most important nations. Yet the Bible doesn’t refer to these by their modern names. Thus if we are to understand many end-time prophecies, the major players must be identified.

Today, the world’s lone superpower is the United States of America. In the 19th century, the superpower was Great Britain, the largest empire in the history of the world. Are these nations ignored in the Bible? How could that be, when the Bible gives us so many other details about the end time? Actually, as you will see, end-time prophecies refer to these nations more than any others!

The birthright blessings of Israel were fulfilled in the rise of the British people and the United States. No wonder they’ve felt like brothers—they descended from brothers!

Today, many people are unaware of how Britain once dominated the world. At the height of its power, the British Empire included Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. It comprised nearly a quarter of the land mass of the earth and a quarter of its population! As a famous saying went, “the sun never set” on the British Empire!

There is not room here to describe just how powerful the influence of Britain and America on world history has been.

Highly significant is the fact that the British and American people—blessed with religious freedom—have been the primary instruments in spreading the Bible to most of the world. They brought about the King James Version of the Bible, many other English translations and thousands of translations in other languages. Plus they have generously supplied the financial resources and laborers to bring Bibles to all parts of the world.

So, where are the United States and Britain named in the Bible? The answer to this question is a major key to understanding Bible prophecies. It enables us to understand how many prophecies have already been fulfilled perfectly, and enables us to understand what to expect in the end time.

This is a big subject. For a more complete explanation and historical overview, we encourage you to read our in-depth study guide The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. Here we can only cover the basics.

The story begins with God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

First, let’s consider the story of God’s amazing promises to Abraham and his descendants:

God called Abram (Abraham’s original name) to leave his homeland and to live a life based on faith in God and God’s promise of a glorious permanent city (Hebrews 11:8-10). (We learn in Revelation 21:2 that the city will be New Jerusalem.)

God’s initial promises to Abram, at age 75, are in Genesis 12:1-4. When God said, “And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed,” He meant two things. Through Jesus Christ, the preeminent descendant of Abram, all people would be blessed spiritually. And through many of Abram’s other descendants, people around the world would experience physical blessings of peace and prosperity.

As Abram showed faithfulness, God kept expanding His promises. He said Abram’s descendants would be so numerous they would be like the stars of the sky. Even though Abram’s wife Sarai (Sarah’s original name) was unable to conceive children, God promised Abram that his descendants “will come from your own body.” Abram believed God, “and He accounted it to him for righteousness” (Genesis 15:4-6).

Then after waiting 11 years, at Sarai’s suggestion, Abram made a very bad decision to father a child by Sarai’s servant Hagar. So Hagar gave birth to Ishmael when Abram was 86 (Genesis 16:15-16).

Then when Abram was 99, God appeared and made a highly significant covenant with him and his descendants. At that time God changed his name to Abraham, meaning “father of multitudes” (of many nations), and changed Sarai’s name to Sarah, meaning “princess” (Genesis 17:5, 15). The next year, Sarah at last gave birth to Abraham’s son Isaac when she was 90 and Abraham was 100 (Genesis 17:17; Genesis 21:1-5).

Many years later God severely tested Abraham’s faith by telling him to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac. When God saw that Abraham would have willingly obeyed, God further expanded His promises to him (Genesis 22:16-18).

God’s promises were passed along to Abraham’s son Isaac (Genesis 26:4), then to Isaac’s son Jacob (Genesis 28:3-4, 13-14), and then to Jacob's son Joseph and his sons (Genesis 48:15-16; Genesis 48:19-20). God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, meaning “prevailer (or prince) with God” (Genesis 32:28, King James Version), so his descendants are known as Israelites.

This much of the story sets the stage for the rest of this lesson.

Jacob’s family grows into the nation of Israel

Often nations start out from a family that expands to become a tribe or clan, and then further grows into a nation. The “table of nations” in Genesis 10 shows us the many descendants of Noah who became the ancestors of tribes and nations. Later passages show how Jacob, whose name was changed by God to Israel, and his 12 sons became the forefathers of all Israelites—“the twelve tribes of Israel” (Genesis 49:28).

When Jacob (Israel) and his extended family migrated to Egypt, they numbered only about 70 (Exodus 1:5). Over time, “the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly, multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty” (Exodus 1:7). There they “became a nation, great, mighty, and populous” (Deuteronomy 26:5; compare Genesis 46:3)—the nation of Israel. And God miraculously brought this “nation from the midst of another nation [Egypt]” (Deuteronomy 4:34).

“A mixed multitude [of various other ethnicities] went up with them also” (Exodus 12:38). God welcomed foreigners into Israel as long as they agreed to honor Him and live by His laws (Exodus 12:48). Clearly God wanted His people to primarily identify themselves not so much by their ethnic connections as by their spiritual connection—being “the people of God” (Judges 20:2).

When God “chose” the Israelites, it was not favoritism, and it was not because they were righteous (Deuteronomy 9:6). They were chosen before they were born, via God’s promises to Abraham concerning his descendants.

God chose them to become “holy” to serve as a model nation to teach the rest of the world to live by God’s laws so these other nations would also receive His blessings (Deuteronomy 7:6-8; Deuteronomy 4:6-8). But for much of the Israelites’ history, they instead were a very bad example spiritually, and God has had to punish them time and again.

The Bible’s geographical focus is on Jerusalem and the surrounding Promised Land. That explains why nations in the vicinity of Jerusalem are the ones that are mentioned most prominently in the Bible.

Tracing the promised blessings of national greatness

Let’s now take note of some important prophecies and their fulfillments.

When God appeared to Jacob (Israel), what promise did He add to the previous promises?

“Then God appeared to Jacob again, when he came from Padan Aram, and blessed him. And God said to him, ‘Your name is Jacob; your name shall not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name.’ So He called his name Israel. Also God said to him: ‘I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall come from your body’” (Genesis 35:9-11).

God said “a nation and a company of nations” would proceed from Jacob. In the last couple of centuries, what single nation and “company” or group of nations of common heritage have been the most powerful? The clear answer is the United States of America and the British Commonwealth. The short space in this lesson doesn’t allow for many proofs of that fact. For thorough proof of this fulfillment from the Bible and from history, we again encourage you to read our study guide The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy.

Did the birthright blessing go from Jacob to Joseph?

“Now the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel—he was indeed the firstborn, but because he defiled his father’s bed [in having relations with Jacob’s concubine Bilhah], his birthright was given to the sons of Joseph, the son of Israel, so that the genealogy is not listed according to the birthright; yet Judah prevailed over his brothers, and from him came a ruler, although the birthright was Joseph’s” (1 Chronicles 5:1-2).

“Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity and the excellency of power. Unstable as water, you shall not excel, because you went up to your father’s bed; then you defiled it . . .

“Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a well; his branches run over the wall. The archers have bitterly grieved him, shot at him and hated him. But his bow remained in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob . . . by the God of your father who will help you, and by the Almighty who will bless you with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the womb.

“The blessings of your father have excelled the blessings of my ancestors, up to the utmost bound of the everlasting hills. They shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him who was separate from his brothers” (Genesis 49:3-4; Genesis 49:22-26).

After Reuben was disqualified, Jacob pronounced the birthright blessing on his son Joseph. The blessing included major promises that the descendants of Joseph would be fruitful, prosperous and powerful. Jacob announced that “the scepter shall not depart from Judah,” a reference to the fact that God would establish a dynasty of kings descended from Judah—that of David—from which would ultimately come the Messiah (Genesis 49:10).

That dynasty ceased to rule in the Holy Land when the Babylonians invaded Judah in the sixth century B.C. But it never died out, having been transferred ultimately to the British Isles! Christ at His return will thus come to a throne that still exists. (For the amazing story, search at for our e-booklet The Throne of Britain: Its Biblical Origin and Future.)

Did the birthright blessing—plus the name “Israel”—then go to Joseph’s two sons?

“And he [Jacob] blessed Joseph, and said: ‘God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has fed me all my life long to this day, the Angel who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; let my name be named upon them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth . . .

“But his father refused and said, ‘I know, my son, I know. He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great; but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations.’ So he blessed them that day, saying, ‘By you Israel will bless, saying, “May God make you as Ephraim and as Manasseh!”’ And thus he set Ephraim before Manasseh” (Genesis 48:15-16; Genesis 48:19-20).

Shortly before Jacob (Israel) died, he pronounced special birthright blessings on Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. He prophesied that Manasseh’s descendants would become a “great” nation and that Ephraim’s descendants would “become a multitude of nations” (Genesis 48:19). In essence, Jacob was adopting his grandsons as his own sons (Genesis 48:5). He said, “Let my name [Israel] be named upon them” (Genesis 48:16).

Passing on the name Israel is highly significant. There are many end-time Bible prophecies about “Israel,” and this lets us know that they can refer to the descendants of Joseph and his two sons. In fact, only a few prophecies of “Israel” refer to the descendants of all of Jacob’s sons.

The blessings on Ephraim were fulfilled in the rise of the British Empire and Commonwealth (a “company” or “multitude” of nations). The blessings on Manasseh were fulfilled in the rise of the United States of America. No wonder the British and American people have felt like they are brothers—they descended from brothers!

In Moses’ blessing on the descendants of Jacob (Israel), what did he prophesy about Joseph?

“And of Joseph he said: ‘Blessed of the Lord is his land, with the precious things of heaven, with the dew, and the deep lying beneath, with the precious fruits of the sun, with the precious produce of the months, with the best things of the ancient mountains, with the precious things of the everlasting hills, with the precious things of the earth and its fullness, and the favor of Him who dwelt in the bush.

“Let the blessing come ‘on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him who was separate from his brothers [this quoting Jacob’s earlier prophecy].’ His glory is like a firstborn bull, and his horns like the horns of the wild ox; together with them He shall push the peoples to the ends of the earth; they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh’” (Deuteronomy 33:13-17).

The greatest material and geopolitical blessings were to go to the descendants of Joseph.

After Solomon’s death, did Israel split into two kingdoms?

“Now it happened at that time, when Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem, that the prophet Ahijah the Shilonite met him on the way; and he had clothed himself with a new garment, and the two were alone in the field. Then Ahijah took hold of the new garment that was on him, and tore it into twelve pieces. And he said to Jeroboam, ‘Take for yourself ten pieces, for thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: “Behold, I will tear the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon and will give ten tribes to you . . .”’” (1 Kings 11:29-31).

“Now it came to pass when all Israel heard that Jeroboam had come back, they sent for him and called him to the congregation, and made him king over all Israel. There was none who followed the house of David, but the tribe of Judah only. And when Rehoboam came to Jerusalem, he assembled all the house of Judah with the tribe of Benjamin, one hundred and eighty thousand chosen men who were warriors, to fight against the house of Israel, that he might restore the kingdom to Rehoboam the son of Solomon” (1 Kings 12:20-21).

Just as God’s prophet Ahijah foretold, the northern 10 tribes seceded from Israel and kept the name Israel. They became the kingdom, or house, of Israel. The southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin, along with part of Levi, became known as the kingdom, or house, of Judah. Those of the house of Judah became known as “Jews.” It might seem surprising, but the first time “Jews” are mentioned in the King James Version of the Bible, they are at war with Israel (2 Kings 16:5-6).

The Israelis of the modern nation of Israel are mostly Jews. When the Bible speaks of Judah in the end-time, it is referring to this present-day nation of Israel and other dispersed Jews.

Why did the house of Israel become known as the lost 10 tribes of Israel?

“Then the king of Assyria carried Israel away captive to Assyria, and put them in Halah and by the Habor, the River of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes, because they did not obey the voice of the Lord their God, but transgressed

His covenant and all that Moses the servant of the Lord had commanded; and they would neither hear nor do them” (2 Kings 18:11-12).

When the northern 10 tribes continued to rebel against the dominant Assyrian empire, the Assyrians besieged their capital city Samaria (around 724-722 B.C.). After Samaria fell, the Assyrians deported most Israelites to far-off places where they eventually adopted the languages and cultures of their new environments.

Furthermore, since these 10 tribes had previously abandoned the keeping of God’s Sabbath and Holy Days, they no longer had those identifying signs (Exodus 31:13). Many of their descendants continued to migrate, mostly in a westerly direction toward what is now Europe. God was fulfilling His promise of sifting the Israelites through other nations but keeping them intact (Amos 9:9). But because they had lost their original identity, many historians have thought that they were completely assimilated into other peoples or died out.

In contrast, when those of the house of Judah were taken captive to Babylon more than a century later, they retained their language and beliefs, including Sabbath-keeping. And when later permitted, some of them returned to Judea (which the Romans much later renamed Palestine). Thus, a large part of the Jewish people never lost their identity.

What are some proofs that the Israelites did not cease to exist?

Jesus said He was sent “to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 15:24). Jesus told His disciples to go preach “to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:6). Many years later, the apostle James addressed his letter “to the twelve tribes . . . scattered abroad” (James 1:1). Obviously, Jesus and James expected to reach descendants of all 12 tribes. While most historians haven’t actually tried to “find” the so-called “lost tribes,” even dismissing the notion out of hand, some historians who’ve made the effort have been able to trace the Israelites’ migrations.

Biblically speaking, one of the greatest proofs that the 10 tribes of northern Israel did not cease to exist is found in Ezekiel 37:15-28. There it mentions that when the Kingdom of God is set up on the earth, God will bring the descendants of the northern 10 tribes of Israel back to the Promised Land and will unite them to the two tribes that made up “Judah”—Judah and Benjamin.

If the northern 10 tribes were ultimately assimilated by other nations and disappeared, their descendants could not be brought back to the Promised Land at this time. But, as God promised in the book of Amos, He would not forget the northern 10 tribes of Israel, and neither would He allow them to be absorbed by other nations to the point of ceasing to be an identifiable people (again, see Amos 9:9). He has faithfully kept this promise!

When God spoke to Abraham, what did He mean by “in Isaac your seed shall be called”?

“But God said to Abraham, ‘Do not let it be displeasing in your sight because of the lad or because of your bondwoman. Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called’” (Genesis 21:12).

It will come as quite a surprise to many that the descendants of Isaac, or Isaac’s sons, became known, among other things, as “Saxons” (search for “Linguistic Links: What’s in a Name?”  at Of course, the English-speaking British and American peoples are called Anglo-Saxons.

When did the descendants of the brothers Ephraim and Manasseh separate?

In colonial times, God inspired many descendants of Manasseh to relocate from Britain and other European countries to America. As a result of the American Revolution, the two brothers became separate politically—though they have worked together often since in ways that have been a blessing to the world. Sometimes you will hear the phrase

“13 tribes of Israel.” That is when the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh are being counted as two different tribes, with Manasseh as the 13th tribe. (It’s interesting to note that the number 13 was prominent in early American history, as there were 13 original colonies that became the first 13 states.)

The Bible’s many end-time prophecies of “Israel” are often referring to the United States, Britain and other related people. End-time prophecies of “Judah” refer to the modern state of Israel and other dispersed Jews. With this knowledge, you will be able to understand the many end-time prophecies concerning Israel and Judah. Sadly, many prophecies warn of God’s judgment and punishment to come on both Israel and Judah for their disobedience to His Word and His laws. But there are also many other prophecies of how Israel and Judah will later be restored to greatness and roles of leadership.

We hope this short lesson has whetted your appetite to read much more about the astounding evidence of the origins of the British and American peoples and the prophecies of events that lie ahead! Future lessons will identify other nations.

Apply Now

Read the amazing blessings pronounced by Jacob on the descendants of Joseph in Genesis 49:22-26. Then read the amazing blessings pronounced by Moses on the descendants of Joseph in Deuteronomy 33:13-17. Think about how significant and generous these promises are!

If you live in a country that has been a recipient of these blessings, give heartfelt thanks to God for His love, faithfulness and generosity in bestowing all those blessings! God’s faithfulness in these physical things is a reminder of His faithfulness in spiritual things. We can all be thankful for that!

And be sure to download or request our free study guide The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy to learn a great deal more!

Steve is the Operation Manager for the Ministerial and Member Services department of the United Church of God. He is also an instructor at Ambassador Bible College as well as a host on the Beyond Today television program.  Together, he and his wife, Kathe, have served God and His people for over 25 years.


Promises Made, Promises Kept

God made promises to Abraham, and we can see how He keeps His promises if we look closely.


[Frank Dunkle] In a previous career, I used to be a history professor, which is interesting. I've noticed in the Church of God, many of the ministers are at least amateur historians like to study history, have a big interest in it. I think that's largely because the study of history is largely the study of the human condition. You know, why are things the way they are? How did they get that way? And that overlaps with God's word quite a bit.

Now, I've focused on American history, but you can't get that far without looking at world history being and seeing quite a bit of it. And historians have noticed that if you look back through not only centuries but millennia of human history, a rough equilibrium existed for most of that history among the different civilizations. You know, we've got the Far East centered on the Yangtze River. You've got the civilization that grew up around the Indus, and then Egypt, the Mesopotamian, whatever was going on in the western hemisphere that we've got scant records of. But within any particular civilization, different nations would become dominant at different times. If you look around the Mesopotamian, sometimes the Babylonians are dominant, other times the Assyrians, but as far as the whole world goes, not a lot would change.

Then in fairly recent times, something changed pretty dramatically. Now, I'm looking to see, aha, I planted some things ahead of time. That change is summarized actually in the title of a book by one of my favorite historians, Professor William McNeil. This is probably too small for you to see. The title of his book is The Rise of the West, The Rise of the West. And the change that he saw is summarized within his introduction into the last section if I can begin reading in page 566. Please don't turn and follow along because you probably don't have a copy of this. But he said, "The key to world history from 1500 is the growing political dominance first of western Europe, then of an enlarged European-type society planted astride the north Atlantic and extending eastward into Siberia." He made a point that things changed.

Let me look across the page for something else he said. ''From the perspective of the mid-twentieth century, the career of Western civilization since 1500 appears as a vast explosion, far greater than any comparable phenomenon in the past both in geographic range and social depth.'' And this is his most famous work, but I've read a number of his essays and shorter books and actually, I had one copy, I could share the story. It's a little embarrassing, but for a world civ class I took, one of his books is called World history. And this was when I was riding my motorcycle back and forth to class and I'd stuck things in my backpack. I learned that you don't put up a Big Mac and a Coke in a backpack with a textbook. I was able to use the textbook for the rest of the semester and then decided I needed to get rid of it.

But anyways, in some of his other books, he mentioned that you know, something interesting. He said the historians or people looking at the world never would have dreamed that this little peninsula sticking out from Asia, which is the way Europe looks when you're looking at a globe, that suddenly the people from that would spring from relative obscurity to dominating the world. Yet that's what happened, led especially by England and then its colonies. England not even being on that continent of Europe, but a little, I wouldn't say a little island if you've ever tried to walk across it, it takes a little while. But that's what happened and historians look for explanations. They look in the industrial revolution. Did that cause this anomaly? Political science. Some have even studied disease epidemics, natural resources.

The one cause that they tend to ignore is divine blessing from God. That's one that we've got over a lot of the secular historians. We believe that the Bible was the authoritative Word of God and that in it, we can look to see a reason for this sudden change in the balance of world civilizations. An explanation for the rise of the West. We see it beginning with promises that God made to one man many thousands of years ago. It begins in Genesis 12 where we'll go momentarily if you want to get there ahead of me. But there God began making promises to a man named Abram or Abram. We had a discussion in class this week, I'm still not certain, but later his name changed to Abraham and we all agree how to pronounce that. God promised that his descendants would become a vast number and that his descendants would become a positive influence on all the world, a blessing on all peoples.

I think it's worthy of us to look again at our Bibles and considered those blessings. Look at the prophecies given to the descendants of that man, to his son, Isaac, his grandson Jacob and great-grandsons that followed. And I think that might provide an understanding to what we see in modern times among the English speaking peoples of the world. Now, I'll pause and admit the subject of what I'm going to address is far from new in the Church. No new doctrine, no surprises, but it's something we don't talk about quite as often as we used to. And I'll admit partly because in modern generations it's become somewhat misconstrued and I think partly misunderstood. And so some people have backed away thinking that, you know, this doctrine or this understanding of history and prophecy is either racist, or wrongheaded, or something like that. I don't think that was ever the intent or the truth.

So let's explore this a bit today. I didn't turn to Genesis 12 myself yet. I'll mention though that it's interesting. If you look at Genesis, the first 11 chapters cover about 2000 years of human history. The velocity of narrative goes by very quickly and then it hits the brakes, as you slide into chapter 12, suddenly the focus comes down to one man. And then it broadens to his family and eventually to the nation that descended from them. As it turns to that one man in Genesis 12, says the Lord, where we sometimes say “The Eternal has said to Abram, 'Get out of your country, from your family, from your father's house to a land that I'll show you.'' And then comes a promise. ''I will make you a great nation; I will bless you. I'll make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I'll bless those who bless you, and I'll curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.''

Although it's not said in these terms here. Some scholars have broken this down into a twofold promise. Some say “race and grace” which makes a really nifty rhyme. I'm not sure if God had that in mind, but we do see a promise of physical blessings for a physical people. And we know looking at the chronology and the genealogies that follow, that Jesus Christ would be descended from the same Abram. And of course, because of Christ's sacrifice, there were blessings to all mankind, the hope of salvation. The hope and plan of eternal life. We could make a case, I think that the use that the descendants of Abraham have made of the great wealth and power has also been a blessing to all peoples.

Now, I sometimes wonder, and of course, my wondering doesn't do much good, but are these three verses all that God said to Abram or maybe a summary of a slightly longer conversation? We'll probably won't know until I can ask him in person. But we do know one thing, it says, ''Abraham departed.'' So often we focus on that and learn and study. Let me say that again. Learn from, and we study Abraham's example of faith. He's not called the father of the faithful for no good reason. But today, I don't want to focus on his faith as much as those promises God would speak to Abram again, and again, and again, and then to his children. It seems like the promises kept getting bigger, grander as time went.

I'm going to skip past chapter 13 because the last time I gave the sermon, I found myself running out of time. And I want to go to chapter 15 of Genesis and verse 5. Okay, speaking of God, “He brought him,” Abraham, “outside and he said, 'Look now toward the heaven, count the stars if you're able to number them,’” which God knew to be an impossibility. But the idea is it's more than you can count. "And He said, 'So shall your descendants be.’ And he, Abram, believed in the Lord, and He, God accounted it to him, Abram, for righteousness.'' So that's pretty powerful to a man who has yet had no children, you're going to have descendants that are greater than the number of stars in the sky.

Since he didn't have any children, you could see this man might've had a question. Not only did he not have children, but he's getting to be what we call nowadays, up there in years. So he asked him, yes, in verse 8, ''Lord God, well, how do I know I'll inherit it? How am I going to inherit all this land? I don't even have any children.'' God gave him instructions to do something that seems really bizarre to our reckoning. Said, ‘''Bring Me a three-year-old heifer, three-year-old female goat, ram, turtledove, young pigeon.’ Abram brought all of these and he cut them in two, down the middle.” Now, having worked in a butcher shop one time that that must have been some work, but he divided the animals in half, laid them apart from each other. Then it goes on to describe how Abram kept the birds from landing on them and bothering them and he waited till dark. In verse 12 it says, ''When the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell on Abram; and behold a horror and great darkness fell upon him.''

This seems to indicate that God was giving Him a vision. “And God said to Abram 'Know certainly your descendants will be strangers in a land not theirs, will serve them, they'll afflict them four hundred years. And also the nation that they serve I'll judge; and afterward they'll come out with great possessions.’” And let's drop down to verse 17. ''It came to pass, when the sun went down and it was dark, behold, there appeared…’’ I guess what looked like “a smoking oven, a burning torch and it passed between the pieces. And on the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, and said, ‘To your descendants, I've given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates.’" And then he lists all the “ites” who wouldn't be living there anymore afterwards. By the river of Egypt, it means the border of Egypt rather than the Nile. But from there all the way to the Euphrates is a big area.

I mentioned this idea of cutting animals in half and laying them apart from each other, sounds odd to us, but archeologists have studied and historians and they believe that this reflects a common practice in the culture of that time for when two parties would enter a formal covenant and to something very serious. And so they would do this with an animal or animals and then together, the covenanting parties would walk between the animals. Or some speculate one version is they would stand at either end and they would meet in the middle. But what's significant here is Abram did not pass through the animals. This smoking oven, this burning torch, which seems to represent God Himself passing through. This is speculation, but it might well mean that God was committing Himself to this covenant, to these promises. Without Abram having to commit, God was making a unilateral promise.

You could say, God, saying, ''I've got a plan and it involves you and your descendants. I'm going to work out this plan.'' Keep that in the back of your mind. We'll come back to it, but let's move ahead to chapter 17. You might notice, I conveniently arranged most of the scriptures in the sermon to go from the front of the Bible towards the back, or maybe God conveniently arranged that. Starting in verse 1 ''When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared, ‘I am God Almighty; walk before Me and be blameless. I'll make My covenant between you and Me.’ Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him and He says: 'As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, you shall be a father of many nations.’''

He was going to make him a father not just have a lot of people but of many nations. And he changed his name from Abram to Abraham. It's believed that in the Hebrew, Abram means exalted father. Whereas adding that one letter, the equivalent to the English age changed it to Abraham, which means father of a multitude. Sarai's name was changed from that to Sarah, from princess to princess over nations. Interesting. Again, God has a plan that involves making Abraham and Sarah and their descendants much more than they were.

I'll mention another speculation that some scholars have said that the adding of changing the names involved adding one letter, which is somewhat the equivalent of our letter H, which is it sounds like a hah, like the wind. Some speculate that perhaps that's when God gave the Holy Spirit to Abraham and Sarah. This is sheer speculation, but it's worth considering. Others have also pointed out that in that special covenant where they would pass between the animals, the two parties would often take on a new name. Abraham and Sarah were given a new name. God Himself actually in the future would be known by a new title at least, if we don't want to call it a name. He would become known as the God of Abraham. Later, He would become the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac, then the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

We'll move ahead actually. Well, I'll point out several years after this, Isaac was born. Only so many years after this, the promised child finally came. He grew into a teen, he grew into a young man, we believe. Then it says that God tested Abraham. He tested him to see if Abraham would be willing to do what God the Father Himself had planned to do. Sacrifice his only son. He said, ''Abraham, I need you to get up. Take Isaac, your son, your only son, the son that you love. Take him to Mount Moriah and offer him as a sacrifice.'' And again, Abraham did not hesitate. He took him.

If you'll turn with me to chapter 22, chapter 22 of Genesis still, we'll begin in verse 15, 'because Abraham took him… Apparently, we speculate Isaac cooperated because as I said, if he's a teen or a young man, I don't think the 100-year-old man tied him up himself, but he was there and Abraham had the knife ready to slit his throat. We often do this, it was probably more like this, but as he was ready to make that slice, God had an Angel say, "Stop, wait." Here's where I'll pick up in verse 15. ''The Angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time out of heaven, and said the words from God: “By Myself I've sworn, says the Lord, because you've done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son— blessing I'll bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven as the sand which is on the seashore; your descendants…'' Let me put that, ''and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. And in your seed all nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.''

We like to focus on that. God made not only a promise, but He swore and as it tells us in Hebrews 6:13, I won't turn there, but if you want to make the note, Hebrew 6:13 says that ''There was nothing greater to swear by, so God swore by Himself.'' We've often noted and said that this, if not in the earlier time, walking between the animals, at least by this time, God was making the promises unconditional. He was going to do this regardless of what the people did. It would happen. Now, I've heard this teaching for years and years, since I was about 11 years old when I first started attending church regularly. And I sometimes wondered, well, it's not like God goes around backing out of his promises. Why does it matter that it was unconditional?

But as years have passed, I've come to a little bit more of what I think is an understanding because if the promises were based on Abraham or the goodness of his people, some might say that those people think they're better. Maybe they've deserved the promises. That's not the case. I think we could make a strong case that the descendants of Abraham have not proven to be better than other people, have not earned the promises, not earned the tremendous blessings. God gave them because of His goodness. We could say, at least maybe to some degree because of what Abraham did, but not what I did, not what any of us here have done. That's important because we're going to see nations that are possessed of great wealth and tremendous blessings, but we should realize that those weren't earned or deserved by the nations that enjoyed them. God made an unconditional promise and He fulfilled it.

But we know God didn't fulfill them all with Abraham. I want to go ahead to chapter 26 of Genesis. Chapter 26, we'll see that God directly passed the promises on to Abraham's son, Isaac. Here in chapter 26 verse 1, it says, ''There was a famine in the land, besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines, in Gerar.” And then God spoke to Isaac. “He appeared to him and said: “Don't go to Egypt; live in the land that I'll tell you. Dwell on this land, I will be with you and bless you; for to you and your descendants I give all these lands, I'll perform the oath that I swore to Abraham your father.’' And he repeats what He told Abraham, "I'll make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven; I'll give your descendants all these lands; and in your seed all nations of the earth shall be blessed.''

We could say that God officially, formally passed the blessings and promises of Abraham onto Isaac. It wasn't Isaac's doing, it was God's. And I like the way He says, all these lands, it might make us wonder, is it more than just the land he was on? Some would say, well, of course beyond where he was, you know, there was what would become Moab and Edam and others, but maybe it was the land's much further on. I want to move ahead and skip the dramatic stories of Isaac's children. As we might remember, Isaac and his wife, Rebecca, of course, she was involved, had twins, Esau and Jacob. Sorry, my mind… “What were their names?” And there were interesting stories and a rivalry. They were two very different types. Jacob ended up, you know, perhaps we could say swindling, the birthright promise from his older brother, then deceiving his father, Isaac, into giving him the greatest blessing, which was a real shame. That wasn't needed. God had prophesied the promise is going to Jacob, but Jacob got himself into trouble.

We're going to go to Genesis 28. To save his life from his brother, he ended up fleeing to just some time with his father-in-law, Laban. I say some time, some guess it might have been about 20 years. On the way to go see him, God appeared to Jacob and here is where I like to point out whatever blessing he got from Isaac mattered much less than the blessing God promised him here. It says, starting in verse 11… No, actually I want to begin in verse 13, God is speaking to him. ''The Lord stood above,'' what they call Jacob's ladder, said, ''I am the Lord God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I'll give to you and to your descendants. Also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth; you will spread abroad to the west, to the east, to the north, to the south.'' I have no idea in this building if I just pointed those directions, but all directions they would spread abroad. Remember, I pointed out with Isaac a promise of inheriting many lands, but God was promising that he would inherit all those. The promise was passed not to Esau, but to Jacob. God would appear to Jacob a little bit later. I'm going to skip past the interesting episode of him getting two wives when he only wanted one and having a lot of children. Instead, let's go to chapter 35 of Genesis.

When with all that done in a bit of wealth acquired, Jacob is now bringing his considerably enlarged family back to the land where he grew up. And he's a little bit fearful of his brother. And so he'd been praying to God. Let's pick up in Genesis 35:9, God will speak to Jacob again, and again remind him of promises. ''God appeared to Jacob again, when he came from Padan Aram, and blessed him. God said, ‘Your name is Jacob; your name will not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name.’ And he called him that. Also God said to him: ‘I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations will come from you, and kings shall come from your body. The land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac I give to you; and to your descendants after you I give this land.’" Again, we're reminded that God Himself passed the blessings on. And did I note, I think I said before, they seem to be getting bigger. “You're going to have a whole slew of descendants now, but not just a nation, a nation and a company of nations, a number of nations.”

Jacob was probably the first out of the family that we could say maybe to begin to realize these promises because he had 13 kids. We have some large families in the Church. I don't know how many match that. One is plenty in my household. I don't know, if Connor and Susan are watching, that wasn't meant to be anything bad. But God is going to keep on going and He's going to promise more. I want to move ahead. Actually, if you go to Genesis 48, I'm spending some time on these promises and then I want to turn and start looking at where are we can see them be fulfilled. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob shared something unique. Each of them had God speak to them personally. Most people in the Bible don't have that. You and I don't have that. I keep hoping and wishing that God would send me some emails because I have questions. I'm looking for answers, but He keeps not responding to my request. But He spoke to them. And then when Jacob was going to be gone, He wouldn't start speaking to people directly, it seems, till Moses. But He had Jacob pass a message on to his sons.

That's why I want to turn to Genesis 48 beginning in verse 3. ''Jacob said to Joseph,” who was his favorite son. He said, "God Almighty appeared to me in Luz at the land of Canaan and blessed me, and said, ‘Behold, I'll make you fruitful and multiply, I'll make you a multitude of people, and give this land to your descendants after you as a possession.’ And now, Joseph, your two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, who were born to you in the land of Egypt before I came to you,” Ephraim and Manasseh Jacob says, “are mine; as Ruben and Simeon, they shall be mine.'' Reuben and Simeon where the first sons that Jacob had. So He's saying, ''I'm adopting your children, Joseph. They're not now My grandsons, they are My sons.'' We're not sure what Reuben thought of this, but actually, Reuben was disqualified. I'm not going to turn there. But if you look in 1 Chronicles 5:1-2, 1 Chronicles 5, it specifically says that Ruben was disqualified for having the birthright because of committing adultery with one of Jacob's concubines. Said he went up to his couch to Bilhah, which is interesting and archaic language, but it wasn't just because Jacob liked Joseph better. It was because of a sin Reuben committed that he did not inherit the birthright. And instead, the grandsons of Joseph were given son status.

We'll go down to verse 13 of chapter 48. Joseph begins to bring his sons to Jacob to lay hands on them and bless them. And he was careful. He put he for him in his right hand, which is toward Jacob's left hand, Manasseh in the right, because Manasseh is the firstborn. Okay. So, he wanted the right hand on the head of the firstborn. And as I do in class, often I apologize to the lefties among us. I'm not sure why it's always that way. My mother was a lefthander. We bumped elbows, eating dinner a lot. But now Jacob starts to pronounce a blessing. Verse 15. ‘'God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who's fed me all my life long to this day, the Angel who redeemed me from evil, bless the lads, Ephraim and Manasseh; let my name be named upon them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.''

We don't know why God would choose Ephraim for a greater blessing, but I think I read over, actually, it was in verse 14. Jacob actually crossed his hands to put his right hand on the head of the younger because he realized what Joseph would do. But the point is both of them were to be a multitude and to have his name named on them. I want to drop down to verse or carry on in verse 17. ''Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on the head of Ephraim, it displeased him; so he took his father's hand to remove it.’’ Joseph in verse 18 said, ''No, dad, this is the firstborn; put your right hand on his head.'' I'm modernizing his language a bit. ''Jacob refused, ‘I know, son, I know. He also shall become a people, he shall be great; but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, his descendants shall become a multitude of nations.'' I wanted to read that. Ephraim was to become a multitude of nations, hearkens back to what we read in chapter 35 where God promised Jacob to become a multitude… or promised him to become a nation and a company of nations.

I point out this is a promise now passed onto one son because some people have said, well, the nation of Israel would be comprised of 12 tribes and you really could say 13 if you count Ephraim and Manasseh and Levi, but one of those was to become a company of nations. It wasn't fulfilled by the tribes, wasn't fulfilled by later after Solomon died, then becoming two separate nations, Judah and Israel. I often say, two nations are not a multitude. But we do see something interesting backing up there in verse 15 and 16 where Jacob had said, "Let my name be named on them and the names of Abraham and Isaac." This signifies not only I believe a formal adoption, but we might keep this in mind when we look at prophecies. There are numerous prophecies in the Bible about the sons of Jacob or the house of Israel. Leads us to think that a good many of those prophecies could pertain, especially to Ephraim and Manasseh.

The name of Jacob, the name of Israel was placed on those two tribes, especially. We'll talk more about that a little bit later, but just a little bit more in Genesis with promises because in verse 1, we see Jacob now calls all of his sons. We know that this is to be Jacob's last moment. Matter of fact, I've said talk about the ultimate drop the mic moment. His sons gather around. He says, ''Let me tell you what will befall you in the last days.'' And I won't read it. But the end it says he blazed back up in the bed and dies. “I've had my say, I'm going out. See you in the resurrection.” He doesn't say that, that's just me. But he addresses each of his sons, but notice it's in the last days. This isn't a prophecy for their lifetime, not a prophecy for their grandchildren, I would say not even for most of the people who had lived when the Bible was written.

“The last days” is a term that we often see in prophecy that pertains to shortly before Christ returns. I can give you a couple of New Testament scriptures that use that phrase. One is in 2 Timothy 3:1. And 1 [2] Timothy 3:1 is where it says, ''In the last days perilous times will come.'' Similarly, 2 Peter 3:3, 2 Peter 3:3 says, ''Scoffers will come in the last days…” the reason I'm citing this as these descriptions of what would happen to the descendants of Jacob seem to be for a time much later on. That's why I like to think of another prophecy that we look at fairly often in our work, in Daniel. And Daniel 2, I'm not going to turn there, but I trust that you're familiar with this. Nebuchadnezzar had this strange dream of a statue, made of four different metals. The head was of gold, the chest and arms of silver, belly, and thighs of bronze, and legs of iron. He had no idea what that meant, but fortunately, Daniel was there. And Daniel said, ''There's a God in heaven who reveals the secrets. He said, Nebuchadnezzar, you are the head of gold.'' And he said there would be… He showed what would happen. By this time, Israel wasn't a nation. Judah wasn't a nation, not independent nations. So the world, this part of the world will be dominated by Babylon. We know then later by Persia, then by Greece, finally by the Roman Empire.

And other prophecies show what we see in history that Rome fell and was resurrected, fell and raised again with different iterations. If these prophecies are the children of Israel for the last days, I would say they couldn't have come before the time of the Roman empire. And more appropriately, I would say during one of those reiterations, perhaps the last one, and that makes it seem significant when we look at verse 22. Think of those periods of what we see about Joseph and Joseph refers to Ephraim and Manasseh as “a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a well; his branches run over the wall. And archers have bitterly grieved him, shot at him and hated him.”

Let's drop down to verse 25. ''By the God of your father who will help you, and by the Almighty who will bless you with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep beneath, blessings of the breasts and the womb. Blessings of your father… The blessings of your father have excelled the blessings of my ancestors, up to the utmost bound of the everlasting hills.'' This is talking far-reaching. A matter of fact, let's add to that one more quickly. A lot of scriptures today. I could have called this a Bible study. All the way over in Deuteronomy 33. At the end of Moses' life, it seems that God inspired him likewise to address each of the 12 tribes and give them an idea of what would befall them.

Deuteronomy 33, beginning in verse 17. Well, actually, beginning in verse 13, he mentions of Joseph. Joseph represented by Ephraim and Manasseh. "Blessed of the Lord is his land, with the precious things of heaven, with the dew, of the deep lying beneath." And he goes on to describe a number of things and I do want to go to verse 17 where he says, ''His glory is like a firstborn bull.'' That's not a compliment we usually give to people today. If I walk up and say, "Hey, man, you're like a bull." But back then, it was a compliment. And it says, "His horns like the horns of a wild ox; together with them he'll push the people to the ends of the earth." In Bible prophecy and symbolism, horns of an animal represent usually military power. This seems to be saying you're going to have military power and you're going to be able to push people to the ends of the earth.

In modern parlance, we talk about projecting power, the ability to project power. And throughout human history, very few nations have been able to project political or military power beyond just their immediate neighbors. But in modern times, a few nations have and some have projected that power around the world. Now, the story continues, but we've seen the promises given. I want to start to look at seeing them start to be fulfilled and then look at what happened. Actually, we're back in the Pentateuch where we've been there all along. I want to go back to Exodus 1 to see perhaps the beginning.

Remember, the first promise was, there is going to be a lot of your children. God began that while the children of Israel were in Egypt. Exodus 1:7, I like the way this is said. ''The children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly, multiplied, grew exceedingly mighty; the land was filled with them." Boy, they were having kids a lot. I can't think of a good phrase that doesn't make me sound vulgar, but they're having a whole lot of kids. They're increasing mightily. Okay. And Exodus follows the story of how God sent Moses and led them to freedom by God's great power. They made some mistakes and wandered in the wilderness 40 years, but if you turn to Joshua 1, I'm going to try to keep moving ahead and not go back. Joshua 1 beginning in verse 2. God begins to fulfill the part of the promise where He would give the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that land. Joshua 1:2, ‘'Moses My servant is dead.” God tells Joshua. “Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people to the land that I'm giving them… them— the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread, I've given to you.''

From the wilderness of this Lebanon as far as the great river, the River Euphrates, from the land of the Hittites, the Great Sea toward the going down to the sun, shall be your territory.” It would take generations for Israel to achieve, but eventually, they would inherit and rule over most of that land. I want to jump way ahead to 1 Kings 4. 1 Kings 4:21. 1 Kings 4:21 says, ''So Solomon reigned over all kingdoms from the River.'' And in Scripture, we could show that means the River Euphrates. ''As far as the border of Egypt. And they brought tribute and served Solomon all the days of his life.'' So God did fulfill that promise. He poured out His blessings, but they didn't continue. Why did they not continue? The answer we begin to see in chapter 17, actually we see it through much of the Bible, especially in the messages of the prophets. But in 1 Kings 17:7, okay, 1 Kings 17:7, it says ''It happened after a while…'' Wait, that's 1 Kings, sorry, let me go to 2 Kings 17. ''For so it was the children of Israel had sinned against the Lord their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt,’' and then I want to drop down on my notes down to verse 18. 2 Kings 17:18, Because they sinned, “Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them from His sight; there was none left but the tribe of Judah alone.''

There are a lot of space devoted to prophets of God warning Israel, repent, change, or else an enemy is coming from the north and it would be the powerful empire of the Assyrians, would come and they conquered Israel. Killed a great many of them, took the rest away, including particularly the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh. What was left was Judah. I won't turn there, but the story continues to show that the kingdom of Judah, which consisted of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and much of Levi, they also sinned and they would be conquered by the Babylonians. But there would be a difference. God told them through the prophet Jeremiah, you're going to be there 70 years, then you can come back. And some of them did, a fair number are. They rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem. The others maintained their identity. They knew that they were Jews largely because they kept the Sabbath and they refused to fall into idolatry again.

What happened to the other 10 tribes? Where did they go? Especially Ephraim and Manasseh who had the name of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham named on them. Over the years, a lot of people have tried to answer that. Two big ways to answer that have developed. One is called by the popular term of tribe tracking, looking at history and archaeology to trace. I'm doing this as though I'm in front of a map, but imagine I'm looking at this map over the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, and we look at that… Actually our booklet, The United States and Britain in Prophecy, employs a fair bit of that method. I was thinking I should say, if you'll call the number at the bottom of your screen, that's not like that, but if you've not read this or ever had a copy, it's worth you reading.

Okay. The scholars though, especially professional academics, don't favor what we call a tribe tracking as much simply because, in academic circles, some of the methodology is suspect, but more than that, it's not the methodology so much as the evidence, the records, there just aren't as many as we'd wish. And a lot of it relies on linguistic evidence. Well, I should say though, I want to turn to Amos 9. God gives us some assurance that whether or not we can track the children of Israel, he kept track of where they were. In Amos chapter nine beginning in verse eight, there is an interesting little prophecy tucked in here just before a millennial prophecy. Amos 9:8 says, ‘'Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are on the sinful kingdom," meaning Israel. "I'll destroy it from the face of the earth; yet I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob. Surely, I'll command, and sift the house of Israel among the nations, as grain is sifted in a sieve; and not the smallest grain will fall to the ground." As I said, 'We have trouble tracking them where they went, but God says, "I won't have a bit of trouble. I'll keep track of every one of them.''

Now, another way that we've used to say, where did those lost tribes go? Where did Ephraim and Manasseh go is, I've heard called the artillery method. I'm not hiding. Imagine a cannon, by the way, don't panic, this isn't a real cannon, it's a decoration my mom bought years ago. But if you see a cannon and it goes, BOOM, and then over there you see PEW… Oh, one of these to the other. BOOM…PEW! Even though my eye can't see the shell as it travels at supersonic speeds through the air, it's easy for me to say, okay, one of those caused the other. And I think the prophecies and the promises God made, we've seen that as evidence. You know, can we look somewhere in the world, in history for an explosion of blessings? The blessings were beginning to be poured out on Abraham's descendants, but what did they do? They sinned. They worshiped idols, they broke the Sabbath and God brought in the Assyrians and punished them.

I don't have time to go through it, but in Leviticus 26, there's a passage that gives us some thought of where we might look. In Leviticus 26, one interpretation of a certain thing God promised is “I'll punish you seven times.” Actually, several times He says, “seven times more, sheba' yasaf, which means seven times greater intensity. And then after He says that a couple of times He said, ''I'll punish you seven times, sheba’'' But without yasaf. Some of them said, well, sometimes in prophecy, times means years, seven times as when Nebuchadnezzar was made a beast to walk on the ground for seven years or seven times. And others have said, well, there are some places wherein prophecy a day equals a year. If that works out, then seven times comes out to 2,520 days. If each one of those pictures a year, it would come to after Israel is taken captive, can we look 2,520 years in the future to see the blessings restored?

Well, you count forward from say when the Assyrians began invading about 718 to 721 when they finished the conquest. Huh? Counting forward. That brings you to the year 1800 and concluding in 1803. Can we look to geopolitics or history to find something significant that happened around the year 1800? Well, I'm an American historian. And when I started grad school, a lot of people in the Church would say, "Oh, are you studying church history? Studying the history of religion?" “No, studying military history.” I had friends who were studying religious history, but I was really interested in the military history of the 1700s and early 1800s. So I focused on that period and I discovered something interesting was going on. We sometimes call it the second 100 years war and you're wondering, why second? Well, the first 100 years war happened during the Middle Ages. The kingdom of England and the kingdom of France fought war after war for about 100 years. The second time they fought a series of wars began in 1689. Antonius and I didn't cooperate to say anything particular about 1689. But what happened that year is there had been, for a short time at, a King of England who was Catholic, James II. He was having trouble getting along with his parliament and some of his people, and eventually, when an army from the Netherlands landed, he fled and abdicated the throne.

William of Orange was brought to the throne. He was related to the royal family of England and his wife Mary was James' sister. So they reigned as William and Mary. We got a nifty college named after them in Virginia, I believe. And that began intermittent war between the empire of France and the British Empire for nearly 100 years. Eventually, finally coming to its final end in 1815 when Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo. During the course of that time, though, especially the last 30 years or so, England came into the possession of colonies around the world, including Canada. Canada become British territory. Britain began controlling India and surrounding territories. Oh, by the way, the United States became an independent country, began growing. In 1803, made the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the size of the U.S., making it one of the largest nations in the world.

When that war with France was ended, Britain emerged as the world's sole super power. They didn't use the term super power back then. It makes you think of kryptonite and batarangs and things, not that kind of superpower. This is where you chuckle and say, "Oh, isn't he cute?" No, but we used the term superpower after World War II. But truly, during that 100 years or so before, Britain was by far the most powerful nation on the earth with a navy that dominated the seas. And it included territories around the world, which led rise to the phrase of the sun never sets on the British empire. Meanwhile, protected by that powerful British navy, the United States began growing and expanding. It expanded from sea to sea, survived a brutal civil war, and began engaging in an industrial revolution that would make it the most powerful, wealthy single nation that has ever existed on the earth. Combined, Britain and the United States in the latter part of the 19th century and early 20th, accounted for half of all crop producing land on the planet. The British Empire ruled about a quarter of the world's population. Together, United States and Britain controlled industrial production, the vast majority, owned a vast majority of the world's wealth.

Again, we read earlier that the descendants of Joseph would become a great nation and a company of nations. And I said that wasn't fulfilled by 12 tribes, not by Ammon, Moab, Edom, Israel, and Judah. It seems that Manasseh became the great nation of the United States, at least if we're looking for the… PEW! BOOM! You know, sorry, my special effects need to be better, but… in that company of nations fits the British empire, England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa. And pardon me, any of you who are from the Commonwealth nations I'm leaving out. We see that correspondence roughly 2,500 years after the blessings were taken away from Israel, suddenly tremendous blessings and wealth.

Reminds me of some of the prophecies I read back in Genesis 49 where the sons of Joseph were described as branches running over a wall, perhaps referring to colonies. Said they would have the blessings of the deep. That might refer to some of the richest mineral wealth. Some of the richest mineral wealth in the world is in the United States and Britain was once the leading producer of coal in the world, not to mention other resources. Blessings of the breast and of the womb, referring to a large population, both human and livestock and the utmost bound of the hills. Territorial control all around the world. Matter of fact, saying that reminds me of that promise to Abraham back in Genesis 22 that his descendants would control the gates of their enemies. A gate is a strategic place that through which people or resources can pass.

Once water, transportation, we came the main way to move resources, we might think of strategic waterways or places to control those waterways as gates or we've often used the term sea gates. Between the United States and Britain at one point, they controlled the British islands themselves, which restrict access to Northwestern Europe, Cape Hope south of Africa, the Falkland Islands that controls Cape Horn and South America. Then you have India, Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, controlling the Indian Ocean. And the Pacific, the United States had Hawaii, Wake, Guam, the Philippines. Not to mention the Suez Canal. No, no. The Panama Canal. Britain had the Suez Canal and the Strait of Gibraltar of the Aleutian islands, Australia, New Zealand. The United States and Britain have controlled the seaways, the gates of their enemies around the world. Again, think of my nifty analogy. BOOM! PEW! You don't have to see this shell in flight to think that might be what happened.

Some people might say, so what? What does it matter which modern people are descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? And I would answer in some ways, not in the least. It's worth us keeping that in mind. In Galatians 3:28, the apostle Paul said, "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, male nor free female; you're all one in Christ." I also often, I like to refer to the passage in Matthew 19:16. I won't turn there, but a young man came to Jesus Christ and said, ''Good Master, what must I do to have eternal life?'' Jesus didn't say, “You got to know prophecy. You better know the 70 weeks prophecy. You've got to identify the modern tribes of Israel.” No, he said, ''Obey the Commandments. Honor your father, your mother. Don't lie. Don't steal.'' One might say a person could obey God's Word and be led by the Holy Spirit and not really know much about prophecy and still be a member of God's family. Now, theoretically, that could happen.

So I would say it's not necessarily vital to your salvation to say, “Okay, I believe the cannon goes off and then Britain and the United States inherit the blessings of Abraham.” But it's worth us being aware of, Christ sent His apostles to preach to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. That was a commission for them, and there's something important. I'm going to turn to Matthew 25:13. Matthew 25:13, Christ said something that I think applies to us today as much as it did to the apostles of his time. Matthew 25:13 says, ‘’Watch... Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.'' He said something similar in Mark 13:33 if you want to turn in that direction. But he said, "Take heed, watch and pray; you don't know what the time is." There were times when Christ sort of criticized the Pharisees because He said, ''You're good at looking at the sky and discerning the face of the sky and the weather. It's red in the morning, it's threatening, we're going to have a storm. Or the sky is kind of red at night, it's peaceful, good times. You can discern the face of the sky, but you need to learn to look at the signs of the times.’' Christ told them. I'm again, modernizing is His speech. But I think we, we, the Church of God need to be able to watch. We need to discern and it's a lot easier to discern if you know who's who.

When I was a student in Pasadena, we used to sell programs for the Rose Bowl Parade. The Tournament of Roses Parade in the Rose Bowl said, to show who does what and we'd say, "You can't know the players without a program." So I see a float go by, “Oh, that was put together by this group, it's this…” It helps to know who's who. Jeremiah 30:7 calls the Cataclysm at the end of this age, “the time of Jacob's trouble.” I'm not going to turn there, but we could say to know where and when to watch, we'd do very well to know who is who. Where is Jacob? Where are the peoples that had his name named upon them? There are prophecies for Israel near the time of the end. I say near because the end time doesn't look real good for the peoples of Israel. Scripture doesn't call them though know by their modern names. If it's true that the United States and Britain are descended from Israel, we don't see U.S. and Britain in this book, we see Israel. We see Jacob, the sons of Isaac.

If our understanding is true, many of us are descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and that doesn't make us one bit better than anyone else. Not one bit more deserving of the blessings and the comforts that we enjoy. But it should make us sober and realize that the God who gave us these blessings wants us to be mindful of Him, wants us to pay attention to His Word, wants us to realize that the position we're in isn't just luck. It's not just coincidence. It's not because the white man had better weapons. You know, all those things might take apart, but God had a plan and a purpose that He worked out. And that can give us insight into how God is unfolding His plan and where we might see our place in it. As I said, I'm going to read one last scripture from Mark 13:37, say, understanding what we know and maybe of who is who, Christ said, “what I say to you, I say to all: watch!’'


Steve is the Operation Manager for the Ministerial and Member Services department of the United Church of God. He is also an instructor at Ambassador Bible College as well as a host on the Beyond Today television program.  Together, he and his wife, Kathe, have served God and His people for over 25 years.

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The Story of Prophecy

Why has America been so unusually blessed in world history? Are there prophecies concerning the United States in the Bible?


[Steve Myers] One of the little ones came up to me earlier today and said, "Mr. Myers, I got a joke for you." I said, "All right, what is it?" They said, "What do you get when you cross a patriot with a little curly-haired dog?" I said, "I don't know, what you get when you cross a patriot with a curly-haired dog?" They said, "A Yankee Poodle." So I had to tell a little joke as well, then. I said, "What do you call a cartoonist in the Continental Army? A Yankee Doodler."

Of course, I did hear the story about the teacher who was at the daycare center and she was trying to teach her children, you know, these little ones about patriotism and how wonderful our country is and the blessings of the United States of America. And so she was telling them, you know, one of the things we all need to be very, very thankful about is that in this country, we are free." And so she just adamantly made that point. She got done making her patriotic statement and this one little guy was just not happy with her. He marched up to her and just had this frown on his face, was aggravated with her and he said, "Listen, teacher, I'm not free. I'm four."

There is no doubt the 4th of July is a unique holiday in the world. And it brings many things to mind for different people, different thoughts, different emotions, different concepts of what it means to each one of us. And certainly, it makes you wonder, "What about America? Why is it that we're so different among the nations? Why? Why are we a superpower in this world? And how long will that status really last?” Well, it all has to do with a prophetic biblical worldview and how that prophecy is playing out today. In fact, it's playing out right before our very eyes.

America's story began a very long time, not 1776, but America's story actually began thousands of years ago. But before we talk about that, think about where we're at right now, America. We're still number one in the world. We are a world superpower, some would argue the only superpower in the world. And yet at the same time, our ancestors recognize where that superpower status would come from. There was this little-known man named Abraham Lincoln. Anybody ever heard of him? Okay, well, we've heard of him. He got it right. Many today would disagree with him, but he said, "We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven."

Well, was Abraham Lincoln right? Was he right in saying that? Because many today would say, "Well, it's our greatness. We're an ingenious people. We're smarter than everyone else. We're more talented than everyone else. That must be where it's come from." And yet what did we do to earn or deserve the things that we have? We have some of the world's richest farmlands. We have more arable land under cultivation than any other nation in the entire world, and yet, only one-fifth of the population of, let's say, of China or in India. In fact, all four of the world's most productive agricultural climates are found right here in the United States of America. We have unimaginable things that others just wish they had. We have rivers that you can navigate. We have lakes. We have vast thousands of miles of coastlands with natural harbors that all were a part of what we received.

And so, to imagine that we earned these things somehow seems to miss the point. We have natural resources, we have our own natural resources. And, in fact, it doesn't end with just those types of blessings. If you look at the news, big item in the news this past week. Did you catch what they were talking about? They were talking about jobs. Talking about the American economy. Our economy in the United States of America is the largest in the world in terms of nominal G.D.P., that's domestic product. The largest, the largest. And yet, we only have one-quarter of what people would consider what would be valuable. One of those things, if you added it all up together, our economy is over 25% of the world's economy. How many countries are there in the world? A whole lot more than just three or four, aren't there? Now, you start thinking of the economy, the dollars that are involved in there. Someone once said, "A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon, you're talking about real money." But that's what we have. We have that. The New York Stock Exchange. Talk about the stock market for a minute. Do you know the value they place as far as market capitalization on the New York Stock Exchange? 18.5 trillion dollars. Trillion dollars. That's over 40% of all of the stock markets in the entire world. Right here, the value is.

And, of course, think about the population. Of course, we have the largest population… Oh, no, we don't. Do you know what the population of the United States is when you compare it to the world? We have a little over 4% of the world's population. Little over 4%, but we consume over 24% of the world's energy. We create more than half of the global solid waste that's just done away within the world. Can you imagine that? Now you can Google all these statistics, they're all over the web from multiple sources that are out there. But it is just absolutely astounding when you start adding all of these things up. You think about the defense of the United States. Do you know what we spent this last year on defense? Six hundred and ten billion dollars. That's with a B, billion. And that's the size of the next seven largest countries' expense added up together. So we're still spending monstrous amounts of money when it comes to our own defense, and so there becomes no doubt that we are a fortunate country. We have a high standard of living, one of the highest in the entire world. In fact, we are at the top when it comes to material possessions, the things that we own. Anybody deny that? Statistics show we have more T.V.’s, we have more cars, we have more products per person than any other country in the world. I mean, think about your house. How many items do you have in your house? You know they've done surveys of this kind of thing?

The Los Angeles Times says, "The average American house…" Guess how many items are in the average American house? Over 300,000. Three hundred thousand. No wonder I don't want to move. Three hundred thousand items in the… That's average. That's average in America. And, of course, then you could look at the statistics for two-car garages. That's an interesting one. Two-car garages. How many two-car garages actually have two cars? Seventy-eight percent of people with two-car garages do not have two cars in their garage. Guess what's in it? Other stuff. All their junk is in there. And yet here we have an economy that is booming right now. Unemployment at the lowest, one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world. And so, we've got money to spend. And not only do we adults have money to spend, kids, you got money to spend, as well. Do you know what the average amount of money that a child in America has to spend each year? Now, this would be children from age 4 to age 14. So here's your chance to figure out, "How do I fit in with my allowance?" Well, if you were to look this up, U.C.L.A. did a study on this and they found that the average child, in a year, receives over $450 to spend in a year. Four hundred and fifty dollars. Now, you might say, "Ah, that's not that much money." How much more money is that than other people in the world? You want to do a little comparison? How many people in this world make less than $450 a year? 1.4 billion people make less than our children in America. And, of course, the number of children, we only have 3.1% of the world's children, which isn't very many, but they own over 40% of the toys in the world. I mean, no wonder people envy America.

Would you say that America's freedom and its prosperity are what the world is jealous about? In many ways, it is. We have been given so much and not even to talk about, we have freedom of speech. We have a democratic form of government. We have the right to pursue happiness. That's the American way. We can make choices and we can receive blessings that come from freedom. And we have, no doubt, been blessed with the best. But why? Why? How did that happen? Abraham Lincoln knew why. And it wasn't what most people think today. He said this, in fact, he said it when he was proclaiming a fast in petitioning God for America's behalf. And here's what he said, "We have vainly imagined that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own." Which, of course, is ridiculous.

So if we didn't do it on our own, and Abraham Lincoln knew this, where do you find the answer? Where do you find the answer? Well, it's in Bible prophecy. The proof of Bible prophecy holds the key. When we look back in time, more than 4,000 years ago, America's story began. And that's when God began working with a man named Abram, the one who became Abraham. God made astounding promises to him that continue to impact not only his descendants but the entire world. He began those promises all the way back in Genesis 12 if you'd like to turn there with me. Notice Genesis 12, where God begins to work with Abraham and wants to bless him and promises him certain things. Genesis 12, right at the very beginning of that chapter, notice what God tells Abraham. He gives him some instructions, to begin with. He tells him to get out, to leave his country. So that was His first instructions to Abraham to see if he would obey.

So, in Genesis 12:1, God said, "Leave your country, your people, and your father's household and go to the land I will show you." A promised land, the Promised Land. He said, "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." So out of Mesopotamia and the city of Ur, Abraham moved and followed God's directions to the Promised Land. And, in fact, that promise went along with him. And God later passed those promises onto Abraham's son, Isaac and then to his grandson, Jacob.

In fact, if we fast forward to Genesis 35, we can notice this. Genesis 35:11. Here, we'll notice this promise is passed on to Abraham's grandsons. Genesis 35:11 [10], God said to him, “'Your name is Jacob; your name shall not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name.’ So He called his name Israel. And God also said to him: ‘I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall come from your body. The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac I give to you; and to your descendants after you I give this land.’"

So God looks far down the line into the future and gives these promises then from Abraham to Isaac, to Jacob, and his sons. So Abraham's grandson, Jacob, who now has a new name… What's his new name? Israel. He gives Israel the promise. Something very specific here. If you noticed in verse 11, you have “a nation and a company of nations” that would proceed from him. And so, that's a powerful promise. And when we understand this promise, when we understand Israel's inheritance, Jacob's inheritance, then we can begin to understand what Bible prophecy is really all about and how it impacts us today, the identity of what God is beginning to talk about all the way back here, the identity of modern Israelite nations. There would be a nation and a company of nations. Well, who are they? Where are they? God promised that they would come. He promised Abraham, Isaac, and then Jacob both of these things.

And so, it's so critical in understanding this impact on history and how it affects the plan of God. And so to remember that the backdrop of history is found in Bible prophecy. Now, if we look at a few chapters further, notice Genesis 48. We have this promise now passed on again, passed on again. This time, very specifically. Notice something while we stay in the book of Genesis. In Genesis 48, God's promise is passed down again from Jacob who was Israel. Remember Israel is Jacob. And now, notice how it's going to be passed on. Genesis 48, we'll begin in verse 14. Verse 14, Joseph takes his two sons to Israel, to Jacob. Verse 14, "Israel stretched out his right hand" now, this is to bless, to pass on these promises, to bless these two boys. It says he laid his right hand “on Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and his left hand on Manasseh's head, guiding his hands knowingly, for Manasseh was the firstborn." So, he basically crossed his hands as he blessed these boys and got them a little bit out of order according to tradition. It says, verse 15, "He blessed Joseph, and said: 'God, whom before my fathers, Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has fed me all my life long to this day, the Angel who's redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; let my name be named upon them, in the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.'"

There's that blessing. There's those promises again. Of course, Joseph was watching this. Notice what he says in verse 17, "When Joseph saw his father laid his right hand on the head of Ephraim, it displeased him;” you see, he wasn't the firstborn, “so he took hold of his father's hand to remove it from Ephraim's head to Manasseh's head.” Manasseh was the firstborn. “Joseph said to his father, ‘Not so, my father, for this one's the firstborn; so put your right hand on his head.’" But Jacob, Israel said, verse 19, "Nope." “His father refused and said, ‘I know, my son, I know. He shall also become a people, and he shall also be great; but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations."

So, once again, we see the promise. We see the remarkable promise that Israel's descendants, Jacob's descendants, specifically those that would spring from Ephraim and Manasseh would grow into a nation and a multitude of nations. And so, this is key. This is absolutely key when it comes to Bible prophecy. When you see Jacob, when you see Israel, especially in the prophetic books of the Bible, they are referring to the branches of Jacob's descendants. Joseph's descendants. Those branches are Ephraim and Manasseh. Don't think of modern Israel when you see Israel in the prophetic books, modern Israel today is not from Joseph. They are Jews. They are from Judah, not from Ephraim and Manasseh, and so that's important. And sometimes it can be a little bit confusing because we think of Israel today as being Israel, but they're not. They're basically the Jews. And so, it's an interesting story when you look into the historical facts of what happened.

Now, of course, these two Ephraim, Manasseh, they weren't the only offspring. Joseph had other brothers. He had other brothers, 12 brothers in all, and those 12 brothers grew into the 12 tribes that ultimately left Egypt and came into the Promised Land. Hopefully, we remember a little bit of that story, and, of course, what happened when they got to the Promised Land? Well, they didn't follow God. They didn't do what He said. They couldn't get along with each other, so they divided. The one nation of all of Israel divided up into Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Ten tribes in the north, basically two tribes in the south, Judah.

So, Israel in the north rejects God probably more thoroughly and a little bit more quickly than Judah did. So what happened to them? They were taken off into captivity. Assyria came and deported them, removed them from the land. And it set forth into motion one of the greatest intrigues in all of history. What happened to those people? Where do they go? What about these promises to Ephraim and Manasseh? God said they'd be “a nation and a multitude of nations.” Now, what's going to happen? They just got deported. They're all everywhere. What's going on? Of course, it didn't take too long before the same thing happened to Judah. Judah disobeyed God. They then were also held captive, but not in Assyria. They were held captive in Babylon. Interesting thing about Judah, though, is later, after the Persians took over, they were released and were able to come back to Jerusalem. So, Israel today, is basically the Jews, the tribe of Judah, a little bit of Levi, a little bit of Benjamin thrown in as well. So, they were in a different situation.

So what happened to the others, especially the ones we focus on, Ephraim and Manasseh? What happened to them? Well, Amos 9 gives us some information so we can begin to follow their whereabouts. Amos 9:9, we turn to the minor prophets and we find some interesting information here that God gives through the prophet Amos. If you get to Obadiah or Micah, Malachi, a little too far, Ezekiel, not far enough, you know, where I am? Yeah, here's Amos right before Obadiah. So, Amos, 9:9, kind of an interesting perspective here. Notice what God says. Amos 9:9, "For surely I will command,” and what's God going to do? "I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, as grain is sifted in a sieve; yet not the smallest grain shall fall to the ground." So here, God says they're going to be dispersed. The family of Israel, family of Jacob, the one who became Israel, is going to be sifted, sifted, just like grain throughout all the nations. So how would that happen? Well, they were deported. There was going to be a migration. And other ethnic groups as well, we're going to migrate throughout the land and they were going to be divinely placed in a more permanent home. Well, where would that be? Where would they be sifted?

Well, if we turn to the book of Isaiah, we find another clue. Isaiah 49. Isaiah 49, God is prophesying through Isaiah. A couple of interesting things that give us information about how this sifting, how this migration would begin to take place. And so Isaiah says a couple of interesting things in chapter 49. Chapter 49, as Isaiah prophesies, he begins in verse 1 saying, "Listen, O coastlands, to Me, and take heed, you peoples from afar!” Well, this isn't talking to ancient Israel. This isn't talking to ancient Judah. This is talking to those who were being sifted. "Listen, O coastlands…” If we skip down a little bit further, verse 12. Verse 12. It says, "Surely these shall come from afar;” sounds like verse 1 a little bit. It says, “Look! Those from the north and the west, and these from the land of Sinim." So what we find here is He's describing a people who are… Well, where are they located? They're to the north and to the west of the Promised Land, from Jerusalem. Well, where is north and west from Jerusalem? Begin to think about that for a… There's really not an expression in Hebrew that says northwest like we have in English. But these people, of Israel, were now located north and west of the Promised Land. And there are many passages throughout the Bible that talk about this sifting of God's people that placed them in a different location from the ancient promised land to a new place.

If you turn over to Hosea… Maybe I should've had you hold your place in the minor prophets. We'll come back to the minor prophets a few times this afternoon. But take a look at the book of Hosea. We could just, before the book of Joel, Hosea, near the end of Hosea. Hosea 12, we find a comment made here that certainly reflects on these promises originally made to Abraham through Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and then to his sons. It says something interesting. Hosea 12:1. It says, "Ephraim feeds on the wind, and pursues the east wind;” which, of course, that implies moving to the west. Moving to the west, these peoples were moving to the west. The west from Jerusalem, from Jerusalem. That's where these people were being sifted and moved. And, in fact, if you read through the book of Jeremiah, it talks a lot about these people who were sifted and moved, moved to the north, moved to the west.

Jeremiah, you might just write down chapter 3 verse 11 and verse 12. Jeremiah is told to “Go and proclaim these words to the north… to the north and say…” Interesting what Jeremiah is told to say, "Return, O backsliding Israel." You see, they weren't in the Promised Land. They were long gone. And that he's talking to them. Where are they? Well, they're to the north. Isaiah gives us a little more information, north, and west of Jerusalem. And many passages, like we read in Isaiah 49:1, many passages refer to a coastland, to islands, an island location, whether it be Jeremiah 31. Isaiah 24 refers to that, as well. Psalm 89, all point to islands and coastlands. So what does that tell us? When you look north and west from Jerusalem to coastlands and island, where would that be? Where would that be? Where we have the British Isles. The British Isles.

And when we follow this sifting, certainly, some of the people went to Central Europe and were lost. They kind of lost their identity. But there were many that migrated to Western Europe. And they were basically intact. They kind of hung together. And they were the peoples that became the nations of Western Europe and Scandinavia. And, of course, then as we follow Bible prophecy, we see they went to the coastlands, to the British Isles, as well. And so, as we follow these things, it helps us to zero in then on the modern identity of who Israel really is. It's not Judah, it's not Israel today. It's not the Jewish people because they're in physical Israel right now. But that's the tribe of Judah mostly, but we're talking about Israel. We're talking about Ephraim and Manasseh. Now, we begin to see that they're in the coastlands. They've gone through Western Europe. They formed nations and begun to fulfill those prophecies that God originally gave to Abraham. And so when you think about that, fast forward to today, well, what nations fulfill those amazing blessings and promises that were originally spoken to Abraham? Who has grown into a multitude of nations and who has grown into a single, great nation?

You see if you go to Genesis 49, not Isaiah this time, but Genesis, go to Genesis 49, right at the beginning of verse 1, beginning of that chapter, something important to notice here about these blessings and promises as Jacob was passing them onto his sons. There's something interesting that he mentions here that that is critical. Something important. Genesis 49:1, notice what Jacob does. It says he calls his sons and he said, “Gather together, that I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days: Gather together and hear, you sons of Jacob, and listen to Israel your father." Now, okay, who's Israel again? Okay, that's Jacob. These are his sons and he's going to tell them what's going to happen when…  We're not talking anciently, we're not talking about the 12 tribes in the Promised Land, we're talking about today. We're talking about toward the end, the last days, the end time. "I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days:” which is interesting because that tells us a few things. In the last days, toward the end time… This prophecy tells us something. It's indicating these 12 will exist in the last days. They're going to be around. And God doesn't lie, He tells us the way it is, and we can trust Him to keep these promises. They will be around in the last days.

So, did He keep His promises? Okay. Who can claim the economic stature, national prominence, even superpower status that was promised to Joseph's sons, to Ephraim, and to Manasseh in the last days? What fits? What fits? You know, who can claim to match that puzzle piece? Really, there's only two. There's really only two that meet that criteria of these prophecies. United States of America as the one great nation, and the British Commonwealth of Nations. Just look at the greatness of the British Empire. Sometimes we forget this because it's a while ago. It's a while ago that this happened, but when you look at the historical evidence, it is overwhelming in God's favor and it fulfills those promises and that prophecy that God had given to Abraham and his sons. I mean, look how much… If you Google the British Commonwealth of Nations, Google it, look at a map.

We forget how much England ruled the world. The Commonwealth was everywhere and the nations that the Commonwealth became. Don't forget about Australia. Don't forget about New Zealand. In the 19th century, they burst onto the scene and suddenly they were the world power. The only… You couldn't even see second place compared to England in the 19th century. They weren't even anywhere on the map. You think of the places, India, they ruled India, what we would call Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Rhodesia, now changed, Nigeria. All of those. Egypt. Egypt was part of what England controlled at that time, let alone Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana, these places. Canada. Huge areas of the world that we forget somehow that we think, "Well, we as Americans, we're the greatest ever." No, in that day, they were the greatest and controlled more of the world than we even do today. But we forget that.

And so, history shows the greatness of the British Empire and the economy, the amazing statistics when you look at that. And so, you have to ask, "Did God fulfill His promise of a company of nations, a multitude?” Absolutely. No doubt. And, of course, looking at Manasseh becoming that single nation, well, they kind of dwelt with the Ephraimites for awhile, right? They dwelt. Where did the Americans come from? Well, they originally came from those Ephraimites. And then the American Revolution took place, that became the formation of the United States of America. But that greatness is undeniable. And even there's biblical prophecy that speaks to the fact that Israel would control the gates of their enemies. And when you look at a world map of the control that the United States and the British Commonwealth had, it is amazing to see the power. And don't let the history and the revisionist history, those historians out there that wanted to have you look at it differently. They'll tell you, "Oh, well, the American forefathers, they really didn't know what was going on. They didn't understand that they were given these things by God. They really didn't get it at all." That is revisionist. That is not the facts. You can look up the writings of Thomas Jefferson and he believed that the liberties that were possible in America were, "A gift of God." That's a quote. "A gift of God." That God gave these gifts. You look at President John Adams, he understood these things very well, as well. He said, "The principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity." He understood those things.

And so no doubt it points to that fact that America inherited the promises, Great Britain and the British Commonwealth inherited those promises. And with those promises, there came an expectation. And long before the movie Spider-Man, with great power came great responsibility, right? What was expected of the British Commonwealth? What did God expect of America? Well, remember what He told Abraham. That's where it began. God said He was going to establish Israel for the purpose of bringing blessings to the world, bringing blessings to other nations. God expected us to be an example to the world.

In fact, that's what ancient Israel was supposed to be. They were supposed to be the model nation to the world to see how God's ways surely would work best. They failed. They went into captivity. What about Britain? What about America? You see, these blessings came and God expected us to be that example. And when we worship, and follow, and obey God, blessings follow. And, in fact, if you look through the book of Acts, it reiterates those promises. That promise to Abraham is reiterated in Acts 3:24. You could just write that down. We're told there God made this covenant with our fathers that your seed… “In your seed, Abraham, all the families of the earth would be blessed." And yes, that ultimately pointed to Jesus Christ, but it also meant there was a personal responsibility for each one of us and a collective responsibility as a nation that God has blessed to follow through. And like our forefathers, we've had the opportunity to be a holy people.

How have we done? Like our forefathers, we have an opportunity. We continue to have an opportunity to be an example of righteousness to the world. And like our forefathers, we've had the opportunity to spread ethical, godly civilization to the entire world. And so, when you think about these promises, it's really phenomenal when you see how God has worked through history, the identity of modern Israel, Ephraim, and Manasseh, the promises to Abraham. You see, this isn't just a nice idea. This isn't just a theory, and it's not racism. It has nothing to do with racism. It has nothing to do with ethnocentrism. It's not a hypothesis. It's not a hunch. It's not just people put it off as conjecture. Not that at all. It's true. It's Bible prophecy.

God's Word identifies the peoples of this world. And when we honestly look at the facts, we look at history, we look at ancient history, we look at modern history. No other people have inherited the promises the way that we have. And so it's not just dreaming these things up, this is real and prophecy is continuing to unfold right before our very eyes. Scripture reveals it, history confirms it. In fact, when we talk about the promises of Abraham, the promises that were given to him, this is the teaching of the Church. This is one of our fundamental beliefs, the promises to Abraham. Get out your booklet. It's number 15. It's right there in the book.

So, understanding the identity of modern Israelite nations is key. It is crucial to understanding history and then ultimately, what is God doing? What is His plan? What is His purpose? And so, when we consider this, it is absolutely vital. Absolutely vital. So we step back a little bit, especially here around the 4th of July. We think, "Well, how have we done with our independence? How have we done? How have we responded to the blessings that God has bestowed upon us?" Not very good, have we? We've crossed over the line. We don't acknowledge God anymore. In fact, you better not say God in the schools today.

We've crossed over. We don't acknowledge God's blessings. "This didn't come from God, this came from our American ingenuity. It's the good old American way. We're smarter. We're better. We're more intellectual." Yeah, we're more arrogant. That's what we are. We have intellectual and spiritual arrogance. That describes America. We've chosen false religion over the truth. We are biblical illiterates, moral illiterates here in America. That's where we are at. We've accepted false religion, the false religion of, what? Evolution? That's like a religion. We've accepted that. "It must be fact." That's what. That's what America says today. We deny the existence of our Creator God. We deny prayer. We promote same-sex marriage. We promote the LGBTQ agenda in this world, and it is an abhorrence to God. God hates it.

And so, in our universities and in our media, this is what we promote. And we see this key prophesied trend over and over again. The moral, spiritual, and physical decline of not only America but all of the Israelite nations, specifically those of Joseph, so whether it be Canada or whether it be Australia or New Zealand, U.K. Yeah, all of us, we have been disobedient and we are arrogant. And we ignore God. When you think about that for a second, does history repeat itself? Oh, yeah. That's what happened to ancient Israel. They did the same thing. And now we're repeating history. Just like ancient Israel and ancient Judah, we're falling into the same trap of our own making. And so God says, "Don't ignore the warnings. Don't ignore the warnings." God's warning us individually, as well as collectively as a nation.

In the book of Micah, the minor prophet, Micah says some powerful things, says some amazing things that are a part of that promise that Ephraim and Manasseh received. Micah 5, notice verse 9. Micah 5:9. We're challenged today, finding all the books in the minor prophets a little bit. But it is astounding, the messages that the minor prophets have for us for today. And in Micah 5:9, we see part of the good news, some of the amazing blessings that were given to us. Notice what it says in Micah 5:9, this amazing prophecy. It says, "Your hand shall be lifted against your adversaries, and all your enemies shall be cut off." It’s like “Yeah, I like that one.” We are superior. We are over… And is that true? Did it happen? Has it happened? Yeah, we took care of World War II pretty good. We did well. We basically overcame all the obstacles and our hand was lifted against our adversaries. They were cut off and America basically was able to win that war. Yeah, and today? Well, we still got a powerful military.

So, for the moment, we have this mark of military success and predominance. But don't let that fool you. Don't let that fool you. There's a dramatic change coming. And just like ancient times, we see the results of disobedience to God. Just go down to verse 10. “'It shall be in that day,’ says the Lord." Okay, that's like what Jacob said to his sons, "In that day, the end times." “'In that day,’ says the Lord," what's going to happen? Well, He says, "I will cut off your horses from your midst and destroy your chariots. I'll cut off the cities of your land and throw down all your strongholds." Okay, we're not talking about horses today or chariots, but talk about planes, and tanks, and missiles, and bombs. God says, “That's going to be over. Your cities are going to be thrown down.” God, in other words, is saying, "Those blessings that were originally given to Abraham are going to be revoked. They're going to be taken away." God's going to remove His blessing and His protection from America. And the United States will suffer defeat. It's Bible prophecy. Unprecedented defeat, perhaps even captivity at the hands of its enemies. In fact, if you look down to verse 14, it says, "Thus I will destroy your cities. I will destroy your cities." You see, we don't think about national security being a blessing from God, but it is. And that blessing is upheld when we obey, but we don't obey. And what happens when we disobey? Same as what happened to ancient Israel.

Prophecies show the defeat of even God's own people. And sometimes, we forget that even the smallest of sins, the tiniest individual sins, can contribute to the overall catastrophe. And so, when you consider these things, we know that just as God punished ancient Israel for its sins, prophecy shows He plans to punish their modern descendants for our own persistent disobedience. That's what the Word of God says. God doesn't change. He responds consistently. He responds impartially to our actions. He blesses obedience and he punishes for disobedience.

In fact, just nearby here, back in Hosea, we read past this a moment ago but notice what else Hosea talks about and how it specifically points to this time. How it points to today. Notice what it says. Hosea 5:5. Hosea 5:5, "The pride of Israel testifies to his face;” and this isn't the kind of testimony you want to have in court. Somebody's looking at you straight on and they're talking about pride and arrogance. That's the kind of attitude we're talking about. Israel, does that fit us today? Does that fit America today? "The pride of Israel testifies to his face;” so as a result, “therefore Israel and Ephraim stumble in their iniquity;” in their lawlessness, and their sins. “Judah also stumbles with them."

Now, that's kind of interesting because that didn't fit back then. This prophecy didn't fit back then. It wasn't fulfilled back then. A whole different scenario at that time. Judah and Israel and Ephraim will stumble together all at once. All at once. Verse 7, "They've dealt treacherously with the Lord, they've begotten pagan children. Now a New Moon shall devour them and their heritage." See, it seems to point to a New Moon, a month, the time in a month that that would be all it would take. Of course, with modern warfare, how long would it take to suffer defeat? Prophecy seems to point to not very long, a month is all it might take.

And this prophecy was not fulfilled in ancient times. When we consider that, Judah fell more than 100 years after Israel, yet here they are all together so it couldn't have applied back then. And so what we begin to see is how this comes about. It points to the real problem. And the real problem is sin. That's the real problem. And God points the way to the solution. The solution is repentance. Acts 3:19 is a wonderful reminder of that. Acts 3:19. As the Church was beginning, God made this point very strongly. We're told to repent and be converted.

Acts 3:19, "Repent and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may appear… or may come from the presence of the Lord,” so to repent, repent of sins. Turn to God, turn to God, seek Him. If America would do that, what would happen? Can you imagine? What if we fulfilled what Abraham Lincoln wanted? For America to repent and petition God for His mercy and His grace to be upon us? What if we were to do that? What would happen to America today? Well, think of what happened to Nineveh. Here we had a pagan people back in ancient times and they repented and… Were they blessed? Yeah, yeah. In fact, Jonah wasn't too happy about it. But they were blessed. They were blessed. Well, the same thing could happen to America. If America were to repent and turn to God, God would remember His promises and He would look at that obedience and there would follow blessings, but it's pretty unlikely, pretty unlikely.

But nevertheless, it's part of the job of the Church because we've been given this information. God's opened our minds to His truth to understand prophecy, to understand the identity of modern Israel today. Because we understand this, it's our responsibility as God's Church to deliver this warning message to Israel, to modern Israel. That's part of our duty. Yes, there's good news in the salvation that we have in our Savior, Jesus Christ. We have to preach that message, but there's also a warning message that disobedience is going to bring destruction. And that message must go out, and it's our responsibility to give that warning message. And that message of, "How can we overcome? How can we be safe? How is it possible to seek forgiveness?" You know, that's part of the message and that's something, I think, we all need to think about because we live in this culture. We live in this culture. And does that impact us individually? Because we can say, "Well, I'm not like that. I'm not like the rest of America. I'm not like Great Britain. I'm not like that…"

Well, how much are we impacted by the thinking of this world, the entertainment of this world, the thoughts that go through the lack of morality in our world? We are impacted by these things. And we can't allow ourselves, you know, to be taken in by the ways of this world, by the god of this age. We have to do all we can individually, collectively as God's Church to avoid all of those things. And so, He tells us, "Look out, heed the warnings, remember, remember the promises." When Israel was entering the Promised Land in ancient times, Deuteronomy 11:26 spelled it out really, really specifically. You just write that one down. That's where God said, "There will be blessings and there will be curses. Blessings for obedience, curses for disobedience." And that hasn't changed today.

And so, you look a little farther in the book of Acts. Acts 17 reminds us, God commands men everywhere to repent. Everywhere. And if we don't change, there's going to be a storm. There's going to be a big storm. And Christ said the same thing. Christ said the same thing. "Always be on watch. Watch and pray always that you may be able to escape what's about to happen." You find that in Luke 21, Matthew 24. He talks about those things. And what a blessing that God doesn't leave us in the dark. God tells us what's going to happen. And there is hope. There is hope for all if we stay close to God.

And so, when we look at history, we understand and it becomes so clear that God has been completely faithful in fulfilling His promises, faithful in fulfilling the physical promises, faithful in fulfilling those spiritual promises, as well. And so, the preeminence of the United States and the British Commonwealth, it is a sign, it is a testimony that God will continue to fulfill His spiritual promises to the nations and to the peoples. And when we look at history and the rise and fall of nations, we recognize all of those things fit into the plan of God. They fit into God's overall plan of bringing salvation to all people. And when we look at fulfilled prophecy, we look at history, it wasn't left to chance. It wasn't just happenstance, it didn't just happen all on its own. God was there. God was working in it and through it.

And it's also a reminder, God's not done yet. God's not done yet. He's not finished with America. He's not finished with Great… He's not finished with any nation as far as that goes because beyond today, there is that Kingdom that Britain and America were supposed to be modeling, the Kingdom of God. That's just on the horizon. It will become a reality on this earth. And it won't come through human efforts, it won't be a political solution, it will be a godly solution because prophecy shows God will intervene in world affairs at the most dire time, the time of great trouble, and trial, and tribulation. He must intervene just to save human life. And then we're told in Bible prophecy, He's going to bring Israel back. He's going to bring them back to the land that He originally intended them to have. He's going to teach them His law and His way. He's going to pour out His Spirit so they can understand, so they can live by His way and His law. And He says, "You will be My people and I will be your God."

And so, we look forward to that amazing, glorious Kingdom that will be a reality, that ultimately will be the greatest time of peace, the greatest time of security, the greatest time of abundance. And so, it's critical as we understand the message of the Bible and how it applies to the world that we live in today. We believe that God has fulfilled and that He's continuing to fulfill the physical promise made to Abraham and his offspring. And not only that, more importantly, He's fulfilling the spiritual promises made through Jesus Christ. Because when you consider Bible prophecy and God working through history, we recognize the fact the Bible is the story of God. It is the proof of prophecy. It's the story of God and the story of the family of Israel. The family of Israel.

In fact, when you think of the Kingdom of God and the family of God, it ultimately will be the family of Israel, spiritual Israel in the Kingdom, God's family in glory for eternity. And salvation comes through being a part of spiritual Israel through Jesus Christ. So, we must look at ourselves then and recognize, "What is my perspective? Am I striving to continue to live by God's way and not be taken in by this society and this culture around me?" Our worldview… My worldview, my perspective must be aligned with that of God, the God of the Bible and not aligned with the worldview and the ways of thinking and the values of the god of this age.

So, why is America a superpower? It's because of God's plan. And no doubt the 4th of July, it is a unique holiday in the world. The 4th of July marks a day of, in a way, a physical deliverance for a new country to spring up. But ultimately, God's Kingdom will bring something so much more greater, spiritual deliverance to everyone. The people of America, the people of Britain will finally be dependent on God as He intended, and there'll be free, true liberty, true freedom from sin. That's the proof of prophecy. That's the trail of history. That's what Bible prophecy predicts. So, just imagine. Imagine the wonderful celebrations that this future independence day will bring to the entire world.


Steve is the Operation Manager for the Ministerial and Member Services department of the United Church of God. He is also an instructor at Ambassador Bible College as well as a host on the Beyond Today television program.  Together, he and his wife, Kathe, have served God and His people for over 25 years.

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