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Petaluma, CA
San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Brexit: A Milestone in Prophecy

Speaker: Mr. Pebworth 2/1/20 PowerPoint used during sermon is under the DOWNLOADS tab... ~ ~ ~ NOTE: The slide on the Greco-Macedonia empire incorrectly states the fall of the empire at 27 AD when it should have been 27 BC. ~ ~ ~ We live in momentous times and sometimes we need to be reminded of just how momentous they are. On January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom left the European Union. With the many events occurring in the United States, it is easy for Americans to miss the importance of the British exit from the E.U and the prophetic significance of that event. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth discusses the biblical evidence for why the next world ruling empire will come from Europe and why events in the United States, Britain and Europe may be moving us closer to this reality. Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given in the SF Bay Area congregation may be searched by date, presenter name &/or title at,%20CA

Tim Pebworth is the pastor of the Bordeaux and Narbonne France congregations, as well as Senior Pastor for congregations in Côte d'Ivoire, Togo and Benin. He is responsible for the media effort of the French-speaking work of the United Church of God around the world.

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