
Embracing Distress

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 3/28/20 In three short three weeks, the world economy moved to tittering on collapsed with one third of the human population now under some form of lockdown. If there was ever a time when we needed clarity…

Brexit: A Milestone in Prophecy

Speaker: Mr. Pebworth 2/1/20 PowerPoint used during sermon is under the DOWNLOADS tab... ~ ~ ~ NOTE: The slide on the Greco-Macedonia empire incorrectly states the fall of the empire at 27 AD when it should have been 27 BC…

From Corruption to Conversion

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 10/26/19 Location: Orinda Powerpoint for to Coincide with Sermon in Downloads Tab Corruption has been called a cancer that destroys individuals and societies.1 Corinthians 15:50 Paul makes it clear that a corrupt state cannot inherit the kingdom…

Examining For Spiritual Gifts

Speaker: James Malizia 6/8/19 In this message presented the Sabbath of June 8th, James Malizia facilitates an exploration to consider the concept of God's calling each of us to participate in His work in ways which maybe we have not…

Called to Move Forward

We are not called to a stagnant life. Whether in times of great faith and trust in God or in times when we struggle with trials and doubt we move forward. God is not calling for retreat. He is calling…

Am I Motivated Enough So I Can Move Forward?

God's instruction to us is to move forward, not to sit idle. The old adage about idle hands can be true; we must always try to block any path that Satan may use against us. Part of moving forward is…

Maintaining Spiritual Inertia

Are you a body at rest, staying that way? Or are you a body in motion, moving forward? How do we maintain our spiritual inertia? Learn six points to help keep us spiritually in motion.

Move Forward!

In Exodus 14 we see how God brought His people up out of oppression. They had to "pull up the tent pins" and move forward. Let's review 5 reasons we too need to continue to move forward.

Can I Get a Do Over?

Have you ever wanted to go back in time and be able to change something in your life? Life doesn't work that way, we can't change the past. Sometimes the things that have happened result in difficult situations. We can't…