
Brexit: A Milestone in Prophecy

Speaker: Mr. Pebworth 2/1/20 PowerPoint used during sermon is under the DOWNLOADS tab... ~ ~ ~ NOTE: The slide on the Greco-Macedonia empire incorrectly states the fall of the empire at 27 AD when it should have been 27 BC…

Where Were You?

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 9/14/19 Where were you on 9/11? If we are over 20 years old, we know exactly. And, as in this past week we remember 9/11, we also now look forward to the annual reminder of the Fall…

Examining For Spiritual Gifts

Speaker: James Malizia 6/8/19 In this message presented the Sabbath of June 8th, James Malizia facilitates an exploration to consider the concept of God's calling each of us to participate in His work in ways which maybe we have not…

Stir Up Your Pure Mind

The purpose of 2 Peter 3 is to stir up your pure mind. It is a reminder of something already in us. What kind of people will we be and are we hastening the day by searching for truth?

To Eternity and Beyond!

Between our daily grind and the uncertainty that lies ahead of us, how do we stay focused on what is really important? God's plan not only takes us to Eternity, it takes us beyond. We can understand that when we…

Remind Yourself

Reminders can often be a helpful step in achieving a task.