
Christ Our Passover and Personal Good Samaritan

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 4/4/20 The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of the most famous of Christ’s parables. It teaches a powerful moral lesson that every human being is our "neighbor", and that we (out of compassion…

Passover Focus

Speaker: Tom Meece 4\4\20 The Passover is not about self-examination and feeling sorry, but rather about the Life of Christ---both in the physical and spiritual sense. To overcome our weaknesses, especially to live the abundant life God intends for us…

Embracing Distress

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 3/28/20 In three short three weeks, the world economy moved to tittering on collapsed with one third of the human population now under some form of lockdown. If there was ever a time when we needed clarity…

Standing in the Gap

It is a sincere and humble honor to be able to “Stand in the Gap” for a friend, or even a stranger, when they are hurting, or in need! There is an incredible value, (and often, eternal benefit), for both…

Lessons From Psalm 23

Psalm 23 has much to tell us. In this sermonette, Alan Edge elaborates on what we can learn from it's short verses.

Brexit: A Milestone in Prophecy

Speaker: Mr. Pebworth 2/1/20 PowerPoint used during sermon is under the DOWNLOADS tab... ~ ~ ~ NOTE: The slide on the Greco-Macedonia empire incorrectly states the fall of the empire at 27 AD when it should have been 27 BC…

People Need People

We live in a world where man is selfish and getting more selfish. God has called us to have person to person contact. God created human beings to need human beings.

Pray for Peace

Do you ever have trials or see things in life that leave you wondering 'why?' Why does God allow this or that to happen? Or perhaps, why can't I get the things I 'need' in life? Sometimes, we think we…

The Convenience Store Church

Have you ever thought of your church as a convenience store? As strange as that might seem, many view church as not much more than such a store. What does your church provide you, and more importantly, why do you…

Does God Need Us

Does God need us to accomplish his work? Or should we ask Does God want us to be part of his team to help him accomplish his plan? Sermon looking at why God wants us to be part of his…