
Friends, Family and Faith

We're fasting this weekend, partly to "look to the needs of others." We were reminded in the calling for this fast that "We have brethren around the world in desperately poor places...whom we can't even directly help at this time…

Leave the Corners

Throughout God’s word there is instruction to make sure that those who are poor and in need are taken care of and provided for. This requirement of Christians continues to this day and will be a key aspect of how…

Lessons From the Apple Store

If you have ever visited an Apple Store you will be impressed with the environment and professional caring attitude of the employees. There are some good lessons we can learn from them about our approach toward others and attracting others…

Ezekiel's Warning Against Indifference

There are many problems in the world. They seem to be increasing in frequency and intensity. In fact, they seem overwhelming. Do we care? Are we apathetic to the suffering of others? Highlighting events occurring during the time of the…

The Golden Rule

The Book of Deuteronomy has much for us to learn as does the whole Bible. The world generally refers to the Golden Rule but that term is never found in God's Word. In Deuteronomy are listed many seemingly miscellaneous laws…

Deuteronomy 21:1-21

A continuation of the series on the Book of Deuteronomy covering chapter 21.

Gimme That Old Time Religion!

Caring for each other and people around us is a major part of being Christian. James gave us what he called "Pure and Undefiled Religion before God - which is what we will look at today.

The Art of Listening

Listening is a skill that has to be learned. How well do you listen to others? How well do you listen to God? Are you passively receiving or actively participating? Ways we can improve our listening skills.
Last year’s group at the Pastoral Development Program.

Caring for God’s People

Three times on the shore of the Sea of Galilee the soon-to-be apostle Peter heard these words from the resurrected Jesus Christ: “Feed my sheep.” This critical role of caring for those God adds to the Body of Christ is...

Caring For The Brethren

We are continuously improving the quality of our website. We are currently working to provide you with the appropriate summary for this message. Thank you for visiting and we hope this sermon is edifying for you.