
Jesus Was Not Born on December 25th

Terry Johnson discusses three reasonable proofs from the Bible that prove December 25th was not the day of Jesus Christ's birth.

Early Religious Practices

Christmas is just one of the secular holidays that Christianity has bought into and use to worship Jesus Christ today. Which celebrations does God want us to use and learn from and worship Him? Is our mind divided by what…

The Real Nativity Story

There are many stories that we commonly accept today about the Christmas holiday: The story of Santa tied closely to the three wise men, the birth of Jesus in a stable because there was no room in the Inn, and…

Christmas: Does it Really Matter?

Modern culture would have us believe Christmas is meant to be a time of celebration and joy, despite its well-known pagan background. People reason that since God knows their hearts, He would be pleased with their intention of observing Christ's…

Never Mix Error With Truth

Let's review the origins of the Christmas holiday and recognize how it became mixed up with God's true Scripture. How can we deal appropriately with it?

Son of David

Many times, because of the world's rapt attention on the birth of Christ around the time of Christmas, we lose sight of the importance the Bible places on His birth and the many prophecies surrounding it.

We Must Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth

As we draw closer to a time of year that many celebrate as the birth of Jesus Christ, I thought it might be helpful to discuss why we choose not to observe Christmas. No… we are not against fun, or…

Ho, Ho, Ho or No, No, No

You might say Karen and I are celebrating an anniversary of sorts this month, as we started our attendance with the Worldwide Church of God, December 1973. One big question at the time was, is Christmas really the birth of…

Watch & discern the times

Gods instructions are clear. We are to follow his words and those words alone. We are to observe and respect the days he set aside and made Holy. Those are his appointed feasts, and we need to be careful to…

The Birth of Our Savior

Like much of what the modern world does, the birth of Jesus Christ is shrouded in tradition and myth. I thought it might be helpful today for us to examine the birth of our Messiah from the very pages of…