
Is Your Hand Still on the Plow?

Are you fully committed to follow Jesus Christ and not look back?

Preparing the Bride of Christ

How is God preparing us, preparing His family to assist Him in the Kingdom of God, and why is God preparing us?
A couple standing on a bridge with umbrellas

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?

God intended marriage to be a lifetime date, but it is very easy to take our mate for granted. Emma’s story shows the importance of expressing love and appreciation every day.

For Such a Time As This

God has called us at this unique time and we stand at the crossroads. This sermon deals with our time. The time to take life to the next spiritual level. To greater commitment and action in order to continue to…

Moving Forward with Conviction, Commitment and Courage

Over and over in scripture we are admonished to move forward with conviction, commitment and courage. I call them the three Cs. In the sermon we will identify the two great spiritual convicting agents and how God so graciously places…

Use this Crisis to Correct Your Spiritual Course

Speaker: Jim Tuck 4/25/20 As we fast in this time of international crisis due to the coronavirus how will you respond? Our time is now to break the cycle of humanity and raise the bar in our own spiritual commitment…

Just Another Fruit of the Spirit?

Today I want to discuss a fruit of the spirit that might not always be one that we consider and maybe be one that we might struggle to define.

Covenant With Christ

We should be willing to give up our spiritual life as we yield ourselves in our covenant with God the Father and Jesus Christ.

The Feasts of the Lord: Lessons from the Lamb of God

In a sermon during the Feast of Unleavened Bread before the webcast audiences of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, pastor Philip Aust discusses the characteristics that Christ displayed in His role as the Lamb of God, and what we should…

The Amazing Tale of Three Teens

Many teens and young adults who are raised in God's church, stay in God's church. Being in God's church and staying in God's church is all about commitment and, as we are now seeing, you can become committed at a…