Given In

Cincinnati East PM, OH

Moving Forward with Conviction, Commitment and Courage

Over and over in scripture we are admonished to move forward with conviction, commitment and courage. I call them the three Cs. In the sermon we will identify the two great spiritual convicting agents and how God so graciously places His precious truth in sacred trust with us. We will emphasize that courage is a product of conviction and commitment. To the degree that a person is convicted and committed he will respond courageously. The three Cs should motivate us to give challenging and compelling sermons that will convict the gainsayer.

Before his retirement in 2021, Dr. Donald Ward pastored churches in Texas and Louisiana, and taught at Ambassador Bible College in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has also served as chairman of the Council of Elders of the United Church of God. He holds a BS degree; a BA in theology; a MS degree; a doctor’s degree in education from East Texas State University; and has completed 18 hours of graduate theology from SMU.

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