
The Elect of God

Many are called, but not all that are called are chosen. The elect of God are called on a mission. Are you fulfilling your mission?

Do I Need God’s Holy Spirit?

Have you ever asked why do I need God's holy spirit. Can I not just do what he asks and be OK with that?

Moving Forward with Conviction, Commitment and Courage

Over and over in scripture we are admonished to move forward with conviction, commitment and courage. I call them the three Cs. In the sermon we will identify the two great spiritual convicting agents and how God so graciously places…

Self Control & Self Discipline

Your Creator/Father wants you to develop self discipline. But His goals are higher than a better bank statement, or better health. Spiritual self control is about becoming like your Father in attitude and thought… and involves controlling your thoughts, emotions…

Living With Conviction

We have disagreements about each other's convictions. All our convictions must be personal - not corporate. God chooses to work with us personally/individually. What is your personal conviction?

Are We Really Convicted?

Join us for this excellent video Sermon about being convicted and not just being convinced. Can we be convinced and still not be convicted? The answers to this question and many more in this eye opening message.

Conviction and Commitment

We must have personal conviction and commitment to the calling that God has given to us. The Bible is full of examples for us to draw encourage from.

Convicting the Carnal Mind: the Holy Spirit at Work

Convicting the carnal mind: the Holy Spirit at work In the world, in the Church, and in you. The Holy Spirit always convicts. What is the outcome?

Isaiah Chapter 6

In this chapter we will see God calling Isaiah and work that God commissions him to do. We will see a number of parallels between how God worked with Isaiah and how God works with us today.

Isaiah Chapter 6

In this chapter we will see God calling Isaiah and work that God commissions him to do. We will see a number of parallels between how God worked with Isaiah and how God works with us today.