
Children For the God Family

Understanding Bible analogies relating to those being granted entrance into the Divine Family.


Looking at the translations of the words from scriptures that are translated to the word "conversion" or "converted". God says to turn back to Me.

A Christian Conscience

Many say, "Let your conscience be your guide", but untrained, it can be spiritually fatal. It's important to have a spiritual conscience.

Red Sea of Our Salvation

“Backroad to the Promised Land.” When Israel left Egypt, they traveled on the main road to the Promised Land. God turned them off the main road for their safety and in the process showed His miraculous delivery of them through…

Who Controls Your Mind?

How do you answer questions people have of you about your faith? Do they want an answer? Are you ready to give one? Today, we examine the various response you might encounter when asking and answering these questions!

Sincerity AND Truth

Folks can be “sincere” – and yet not fully correct. Like sincerely keeping an incorrect non-biblical holiday or working very hard to keep God’s Law thinking that justifies you as righteous. ARE we alive with God in Sincerity and Truth…

Convert, Turn, Repent

Convert, Turn, Repent -- Gaining a deeper understanding on how to live Gods way. Matthew 18:3 - Convert, Turn, Repent. 6 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for…

When I am Weak

The apostle Paul said something very unusual. "When I am weak, then I am strong." As we humble and afflict ourselves on the Day of Atonement we begin to understand what Paul meant.

God's Focused Commitment

It is easy to be involved and fool ourselves into thinking we are in better spiritual shape than we are. In order to make it to the end, we need to be committed to making it no matter what. It…

Pentecost - A Day in Prophecy

Pentecost is a day filled with meaning and prophetic shadow of tomorrow. Jesus being the firstfruits, the giving of God's Holy Spirit, that perfect gift completing mankind.