
Know Thy Enemy

In Scripture, Christians are warned against an invisible enemy who threatens to destroy the oneness that God intends for our marriages, our Church community, and our relationship with Him. What can we do to heed the warning and withstand the…

Do We Take the Devil Seriously?

Many in this society scoff at the concept of the devil. As God's people do we? We should, and we must be aware of his purpose to thwart God's plan and destroy us as God's children. In the split-sermon, Bob…

O Ye of Little Faith

Speaker: Jonathan Hill 12/14/15 Location: Orinda Jesus told His disciples "O Ye of Little Faith" four separate times. Jesus said they had little faith because of anxiety, doubt, fear, and human reasoning. Listen to this sermon to learn how to…

Lessons From the Book of Obadiah

We will look into the small, but powerful, book of Obadiah and learn 5 lessons that apply to us today.

Satan, Our Enemy

We need to understand who our spiritual enemy is and to become aware of the power of his deceptive tools he uses against us. In doing so, we grow in reliance upon our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and in our appreciation…


Meekness is a Christian requirement. In this sermon we will take a look at the topic of meekness.

Put on the Whole Armor of God - Part 1

Christian SOLDIERS, are fighting fierce spiritual battles. It is by God’s power and might that we can win our battles. As Christian soldiers, we must be aware of our enemy, Satan, and know his stratagems of divide and conquer. We…

Digging a Spiritual Foxhole

Spiritual foxhole, just like in a physical foxhole, we are static, not advancing toward the goal.

Standing in the Armor of God

Let us make no mistake, we are in a war. And let us not underestimate that Satan is a powerful enemy. Satan hates humanity and would like nothing else but to see mankind's total and complete destruction. On our own…

Are We Our Own Worst Enemy

How can we protect our brain from falling for false information? We may be our own worst enemy if we are not using well, the mind God gave us.