Europe's Simmering Financial Crisis

Europe's Simmering Financial Crisis


Current Events & Trends

As just noted, many see the latest developments in the European Union as pushing Germany to greater dominance over the other member states.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are spearheading a more tightly integrated European alliance—an end result foretold in Bible prophecy.

Europe's Woes

With the European sovereign debt crisis, the elites' dream of economic integration is in real jeopardy. Will a split come soon? What does the Bible reveal about Europe's future?
Amazing Words from Poland's Foreign Minister

Amazing Words from Poland's Foreign Minister

A map of the European Union

Europe's Troubles

In 1933 Winston Churchill chillingly warned, "No one can watch the events which are taking place in Germany without increasing anxiety about what their outcome will be." With an economic crisis now plaguing the eurozone, will Berlin's troubled history repeat...
Europe's "Lost Generation"

Europe's "Lost Generation"

While many economic experts have focused on the Greek debt crisis and the future of the euro, the plight of unemployed youth in Europe has received less attention. Rising numbers may embrace political extremism.

World News and Trends

A recent article summed up the basic problem in one sentence.

World News and Trends

The bailout crisis continues unabated as Greece, Portugal and Ireland (and perhaps less so Spain and Italy) experience serious financial difficulties.

Prophetic Trends Observed as 2011 Begins

Economics was the force that determined the course of world history—and continues to be a primary force in the drive toward fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

Brussels' Millstone Turned Slowly

An old German proverb says that God's millstone turns slowly. Over the years the pace of developments within the European Union has also been slow, but things are changing.