
God's Will for Your Life

How much does God control? How much of what happens on earth is God’s will? Is it His will that people suffer? Is every success or failure in your life God’s will?

Five Ingredients for Guaranteed Failure

Success can be measured in various ways. Money constitutes a primary measure of success for many, but God’s perspective is different. Violating certain core principles insures failure physically and spiritually. For true Christians, living a righteous life is the only…

Cultivating Gratitude

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/30/19 Location: Orinda This week, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a report showing that for the past three years American life expectancy is declining. Most disturbing, the reasons for the decline relate to drug…

Did God Set Us Up for Failure?

Do you ever feel like no matter what you try, you fail? That your best effort isn't good enough? Do you feel like God has set us up as some sort of a cruel cosmic joke, knowing we could never…


What does the Bible say about failure and how we should react to it?

Confronting Failure

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 6/29/19 Failure in business, failure in relationships, failure in life – we will all fail. The question is how we respond? In this sermon, Tim Pebworth asks that we confront our failures and examines causes and responses…

Success in Failure

Success and the failure that it sometimes takes to get there.

Failing Successfully

Have you succeeded in life? Have you failed in life? Probably we've experience both to some extent in our life. Let's look at some biblical examples. Don't give up, God is our judge!

Do We Fail Well?

Everyone experiences times of difficulty and feeling like a failure. But if we understand God's plan for us correctly, experiencing failure is part of our growth process. Do we fail well?

Failing Successfully

Are we really failing is we succeed in being a part of God's family?