
The Beatitudes - A Conclusion

Speaker: Luis De Andrade 2/29/2020 The beatitudes represent the very core and foundation of teaching for Christ's following. Obeying the commands of Christ as found throughout the Gospels will transform us into beings exhibiting these "Attitudes of Being." Pls. Note…

The Mind of Christ

We say we want the mind of Christ living in us. What does that mean? John 6:38 says; Doing the will of the Father was a prime focus. We will look at some scriptural examples to see what Christ did…

Hallmarks of a Christian

Join us for this very insightful sermon on the true facets of a Christian. Can the world see Christ in us?

Follow Me!

Christ has invited us to follow Him, as His disciples. If we desire to learn to become Christ-like, and are willing to become students of our Lord, then we are becoming more useful to our Father as He grooms us…

Christ's Command to "Be in This World, but Not of This World"

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 11/23/19 Jesus Christ commanded His true followers to be IN this world, but not OF this world. This message gives several principles to help us understand what Christ meant by this commandment. Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given…

How to Keep A Man From Standing In Our Way

When Christ died, God tore the curtain in the temple in half to show that with Christ's sacrifice we could, despite having sinned, repent and come directly to God. Nothing would now stand between to block our access to Him…

Our Personal Mission

Jesus Christ received a personal mission from the Father to fulfill during His life and ministry on Earth. He performed that mission and finished it. We who are called also have received a personal mission from the Father to fulfill…

Questions Jesus Asked

Jesus asked three questions of His disciples. Considering our answers to these questions will help us with the jobs we will be given in service to Jesus Christ in His kingdom.

The "Real Deal" Christian

What makes someone the "real deal" Christian? Do we ever ask ourselves, "Am I the "real deal" Christian?" This type of person is not one who just talks about what it means to be a Christian, but this person is…

Book of Life

Jesus sent His disciple out to preach the gospel, and the most impressive thing to them was how even the demons were subject to them. Christ told them more important than that is that your name is written in heaven…