
An Oasis in the Desert

God’s word is like an oasis in a desert. We should thirst for the truth. We must remember the great importance of our calling.
Media Production

Junk Foods

What are we consuming? Is it the "junk food" of distraction, or the health and nourishment of God's Word?

The Red Sea and Going Forward

The story of the Red Sea in Exodus contains many lessons for each one of us and how we live our lives. God's Might is shown for an example that all may trust in Him. We must also remember to…
Psalm 22:14 gives us insight as to what Christ was thinking at that time—"I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint, my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.”

The Last Words of Christ

Have you ever thought about what your last words would be before you die? Most people don’t. One’s last words can have meaning. The most profound example of someone whose words and actions changed history for the better is Jesus...
Media Production

The Greatest Coping Mechanism

We all have access to the solution to panic and fear in these uncertain times.

Our Daily Walk with God (Part 3): God's Word

In part 3 of this bible study series, we discuss what the Word of God is, where its power comes from, and what role it plays in our daily lives.

What Factor is Essential in Young Adults Becoming Pillars in the Church?

This sermon examines the crucially important factor of doctrine in the making of Church Pillars.

Principles of Effective Bible Study

The Bible is the Living Word of God, and we need to actively incorporate its teachings into our lives. In order to do that, we must effectively study the Bible every day. So many in this world spend a lifetime…

The Soundness of Heart and Mind

This mortal body will be changed to an immortal body through the power of God's Holy Spirit. We are to build up and live by every word of God. God's word is truth and our heart and mind need to…

The Power of Our Words

The tongue is a mighty power; with it we curse and bless. The words that we speak is to reflect His character and His purposes.