
What Do You Give Them?

What things should we ask God for? How should we respond to receiving gifts? Going through the book of Matthew backward helps to teach an important lesson.

The Golden Rule

Most religions have a variation of the Golden Rule. If we are able to capture this biblical principal in our hearts we will live like true Christians.

Live by the Golden Rule

What should we be seeking to do in our daily lives. We look to God's word on thee subject of not to judge, but live by the Golden Rule of God

A Six-Pack for Grandma

The Golden Rule is a world-famous principle; however, if we approach it the wrong way, we can wind up performing it in the letter, but missing it in the spirit.

Known Only to You

Bless, do good for, and pray for bad people. Is that what Jesus tells us to do? Garnant goes over Jesus’ sermon in Luke 6. Treat people the way you want them to treat you. Garnant addresses specifically what we…

Empathy in the Bible

What is empathy and how can we become empathetic towards others? Biblical examples show us how empathy was expressed.

The Golden Rule

The Book of Deuteronomy has much for us to learn as does the whole Bible. The world generally refers to the Golden Rule but that term is never found in God's Word. In Deuteronomy are listed many seemingly miscellaneous laws…

Deuteronomy 21:1-21

A continuation of the series on the Book of Deuteronomy covering chapter 21.

Known Only to You

Each of us is unique. We may have commonality in beliefs and in God's spirit, but we have our own perspective. All of us have had different formative experiences that include pain and being hurt by others. Through it all…
A man holding his head in sadness.

A Time to Weep

One man’s heartbreaking story shows just how much each of us need God.