
Developing a Conscience in Our Children

Through the increase of horrific acts of violence perpetrated by our nation’s youth, we see the results of the decreasing of our nation’s conscience. How do we develop a conscience in immoral society?

Self Control & Self Discipline

Your Creator/Father wants you to develop self discipline. But His goals are higher than a better bank statement, or better health. Spiritual self control is about becoming like your Father in attitude and thought… and involves controlling your thoughts, emotions…

Overcoming a Guilty Conscience

Our culture has declared war on a guilty conscience. The world says no one should feel guilty. If you have a guilty conscience, the world says you should forgive yourself. God has a different point of view.

Jonah and God's Work

We learn from the Book of Jonah that God's Work carries two stages. He is slow to wrath exhibiting patience against the wicked; and He is merciful to them who are repentent. This message examines these two characteristics of our…

A Wall of Guilt

How do we get rid of the burden of guilt. As God as inspired King David to say, "Deliver me from the guilt". (Ps 51:14)


Guilt can seperate us from God. How can I ask for forgiveness when I knew better? Good question, but we need to remember, or come to the realization, that God doesn't look at our sins and want to punish us…

Dealing with Guilt

How do you handle feelings of guilt? The Passover shows us that guilt is part of our theology. We must learn how to properly deal with actual guilt and the feelings guilt can produce.

Healthy and Unhealthy Guilt in the Bible

What are healthy and unhealthy guilt and how can you tell the difference between them? Do not fall into false ideas concerning guilty feelings.

Encoded Encouragement

We often struggle with guilt, not so much over our past sins as we do with our present sins. It may seem that we are more sinful now than we were before our baptism. This can lead us to doubt…

What Do We Deserve?

What do we deserve in life? What does the Bible say we deserve? Let us examine the 6th Fundamental Belief and see that without this understanding we have no hope.