
Learning to be a Child of God

Our world has an intensely competitive spirit. We all want to be #1. But being a child of God means we need to develop a different attitude.

Seven Attributes of a Child-Like Attitude

Christ says, in Matt. 18, "...Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." There is something about a little child we must become like. what are the attributes of…

Just What Do You Mean Fasting?

In order to help us in our calling, God has given us a handful of powerful tools – prayer, Bible study, meditation and fasting. To the world, these tools don’t seem very effective, but in the hands of God working…

Being Like John the Baptist

You might know who John the Baptist was, but do you know what he did? More than eating locusts and being beheaded, John the Baptist paved the way for the coming of Jesus Christ. From this example, we can learn…

The Feasts of the Lord: Lessons from the Lamb of God

In a sermon during the Feast of Unleavened Bread before the webcast audiences of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, pastor Philip Aust discusses the characteristics that Christ displayed in His role as the Lamb of God, and what we should…

Coronavirus: What’s Humility Got to Do With It?

The nation has been gripped by the COVID-19 virus that continues to “gallop” across the globe. It’s a situation unlike anything we’ve seen before, and politicians, scientists, and doctors are grappling on how to “stop the spread.” Talks about vaccines…

Humble, Hungry, Smart Christian

God is looking for the ideal team player, are we humble, hungry and smart Christians?

Develop the Spiritual Fruit of Humility

We know that in ancient times it was one of the lowest jobs to wash another’s feet. Is that the only meaning we are to learn—to become a lowly servant to another? Humility is a very perishable fruit that, when…

Bend the Knee - Living in Humility

Bend the Knee is an ancient phrase that has been made popular in recent years. However, it is a requirement for eternal life in the Kingdom/Governance of God.

The Last Night In Babylon, You Knew

Speaker: Jonathan D. Garnant 12/21/19 We live in a type of Babylon - a culture that does not know God. This message is the fifth of a series on the book of Daniel, drawing lessons on how to live and…