
Cultivating Gratitude

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/30/19 Location: Orinda This week, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a report showing that for the past three years American life expectancy is declining. Most disturbing, the reasons for the decline relate to drug…

Remember Your Creator!

God created all things. Do we remember at all times and keep this in mind? In this sermon Carles Graby, a deacon serving in the Atlanta and Buford congregations, exhorts us to remember God and keep the proper perspective throughout…

For a Dancer

Hebrews tells us that it is appointed for all to die once. The uncertainty of life and the knowledge that we will all die is something mankind has had to accept from the beginning of creation. One thing that is…

What Are You Going To Do For The Rest Of Your Life?

We have a lifelong assignment from God. 1 Corinthians 7:17. Exactly what is that assignment and how do we fulfill it? Application of The Seven Laws of Success is the key. Here's how.

Life is Hard, Then You Die

The reality of this age since Adam & Eve, that becomes history at the saving return of Jesus Christ.

What Is Your Life?

James the apostle wrote, "You do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life?" Life is an incredible gift, but we have this gift for only a short time. Death will come to us all, as it…
Life Is Too Short!

Life Is Too Short!

Untimely deaths of family and friends brought home the truth that time is far too precious to waste.