
Sons Of the Living God

"Living" is a distinction which separates the true God from all other so-called gods. The Living God is calling sons and daughters to glory in His eternal family through a living process. He is not the God of the dead…

Don't Be a Spiritual Zombie

Speaker: Jonathan Hill 1/26/20 Orinda, 2/08/20 San Jose Honor God by presenting your body as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, which is your responsible service. -- Rom. 12:1 Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given in the SF Bay Area congregation may…

Our Personal Mission

Jesus Christ received a personal mission from the Father to fulfill during His life and ministry on Earth. He performed that mission and finished it. We who are called also have received a personal mission from the Father to fulfill…

To Live is Christ

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 8/10/19 The Apostle Paul wrote in Phillipians 1:21, "To live is Christ and to die is gain". From life and a different way of thinking. How do we understand this statement in our modern world? Are we…

The "Real Deal" Christian

What makes someone the "real deal" Christian? Do we ever ask ourselves, "Am I the "real deal" Christian?" This type of person is not one who just talks about what it means to be a Christian, but this person is…

A Sermon to Remember

Chris Rowland uses the examples of the nation of Israel in the Old Testament to admonish us to remember God, always. He explains the consequences of a nation forgetting God and covers three main areas in which Christians can use…

Passive to Purpose

What approach do you take in your day-to-day life? Does each new day just happen to you? Or do you live each day with purpose? If you struggle with this, this message is for you! We'll look at practical advice…


Mr. Salva looks at Strife in a christian life and what damage it can do to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

¿En Qué Te Dedicas?

"What do you do for a living?" is a very common question when you're getting to know someone. It establishes a basis of what we might consider to be 'basic background knowledge' of an individual. As I have been working…

The Real Place of Safety

"Hiding out" with The Almighty empowers one to live out in the open. Psalm 27