
The Lord's Prayer

Every word of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 has meaning and is a restatement of the plan of God. Jesus Christ gave us this prayer as a model of how to pray and what to pray about. This sermon…

The Lord's Prayer

The model prayer in Matthew 6 and Luke 11, commonly known as the Lord's Prayer, helps us organize our prayer life. It also reveals God's nature and God's desire for us to be in his kingdom. This prayer helps us…

King David's Model Prayer

There is a model prayer in the Old Testament, too. It parallels in many ways the model given in Matthew Chapter Six. Let's look at it in more detail.

The Lord's Prayer

Did Jesus mean for us to pray the exact words in the Lord's Prayer? What did He mean by the words he told us to pray?

Thy Kingdom Come

God sees this world from a different perspective than man does. In this sermonette, Kirk Talbott discusses what God's view is of the crimes and sins that occur daily on this earth. Knowing that sin is abhorrent to Him, He…

Give Us This Day

UB First Day Sermonette. A look at the phrase in the Lord's Prayer - Give us this Day our daily bread. What does this mean for us and how does it apply to us today? What can we learn from…

An Effective Prayer Life

What does the Bible say about prayer? Praying strengthens and builds our relationship with God, but it also helps us build relationships with fellow brethren.
A small loaf of bread and a small dish of butter.

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

God uses simple and memorable analogies to help us understand His plan. There is often much symbolism when bread is discussed in scripture.

How should we pray?

What does God want us to say to Him, and how can prayer help us develop a stronger relationship with God?
A young woman walking on the beach.

Why did Jesus Christ tell us to pray, "Thy kingdom come"?

In what is often called the Lord's Prayer, Jesus told us to pray for God's Kingdom to come. Why? What does it mean to say "Your kingdom come"?