
History Does Not Repeat, But It Rhymes

In the past, the truth was lost by succeeding generations of church members, and in our modern day we have to be vigilant not to let that happen again. The Bible thankfully contains a model for us to follow for…

Qualities of Great Friends

What are the qualities that make great friends? In the difficult times that we live in during the stay at home order are our friendships being maintained? This message will describe three qualities of the friendship between David and Jonathan…

Children - Think, Teach, Talk

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/2/19 Each year on the second Sabbath after the Feast of Tabernacles, we follow the example in Matthew 19 and we ask a blessing on little children. As parents and mentors we each want the best for…

This Is My Beloved Child

The opening comments of the sermon were not recorded. It is as follows: A few weeks ago, my wife, Joanne and I drove to Allen, Texas to be there for Matthew Leiby’s graduation gathering after he walked the stage. As…

What About the Faith of Our Children?

As we see the evil in this world, we might wonder how our children and grandchildren can possibly navigate it while keeping a strong faith in God and righteousness. But while we can't make decisions for them, we have a…

Mothers and Mentoring

Considering the role of mothers (women) and mentoring.

Mothers and Mentoring

Considering the role of mothers (women) and mentoring.

Iron that Sharpens Iron

Are you a person who is willing to learn? Do you recognize the opportunity to learn with each interaction you have with others? In today's world there is a lot of discussion around the importance of mentoring. The bible tells…

Direct Mentoring for Service in the Church

We will briefly consider two remarkable examples of mentoring in the Bible, to help us see the value of this style of teaching and the good results that come from it. Naomi directly mentored Ruth. Paul directly mentored Timothy. There…

The Legacy of Your Example

As we live our lives, do we live in a way that leaves a positive and Godly legacy?