Given In

This Is My Beloved Child

The opening comments of the sermon were not recorded. It is as follows: A few weeks ago, my wife, Joanne and I drove to Allen, Texas to be there for Matthew Leiby’s graduation gathering after he walked the stage. As many of you know, he is the youngest of the three kids and an incredible kid in his own right. We’ve grown very close to the Leibys. For years, we watched each other’s kids grow and excel at what life put to them. After that, we enjoyed the weekend at the DFW Church Campout in Pottsboro, Texas. The Campgrounds were wonderful and we hope to go again next year. As adults, most of us understand what it's like to be proud of our youth. God, in the Bible, speaks about how proud of His Son He was. We should strive for God to say those words in Matthew 3:17 to us as we work towards becoming part of the Family of God

Lupe Gonzalez is a long time member of the church and has been serving as Deacon in the East Texas Congregation (Big Sandy) since April 2011.

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