
Am I Pleasing God?

In a split sermon, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, discusses how as young children, we desire to please our parents. Do we also as God's called children have a desire to please him?

7 Points for Fasting

Speaker: James Malizia 9/8/19 In this message, James Malizia facilitates an exploration of points to consider for an effective fast that pleases God, so we may draw close to Him for spiritual strength we need now and in the time…

This Is My Beloved Child

The opening comments of the sermon were not recorded. It is as follows: A few weeks ago, my wife, Joanne and I drove to Allen, Texas to be there for Matthew Leiby’s graduation gathering after he walked the stage. As…

What Pleases God Most

It is God's great pleasure to give His little flock the Kingdom of God. It won't be little for much longer, but we can't expect most to understand just yet.

Pleasing the Father

Are we living to please God? Christ has always pleased the Father. He said he always does things to please Him. How did Christ do this? How well do we please the Father and Christ?