
Babylon in Bible Prophecy

Tracing Babylon through the scriptures to understand its significance in prophecy, both past and future.

The Babylonian Origins of New Year’s

Most people carelessly assume that celebrating New Year's Eve is a Christian custom. However, New Year’s is one of the oldest and most universal of all pagan traditions and the custom of celebrating it dates back over 4000 years! This…

A Reign of Righteousness

This message examines the government in man’s history shortly after the flood when government began on this earth that took man down the wrong road and the effects it had, contrasted with the effects of Christ’s reign after he returns…

Beware of Babylon

The Bible has much to say about the false system that influences this world. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford GA congregations, discusses the origins and influence of Babylon on the world, and the fate…

Sun and Moon Worship in Modern Babylon

Many of the beliefs and symbols of the earliest pagan religions have found their way into modern churches. In this sermon, Dr. Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in the Atlanta and Buford, GA, discusses the ancient worship of the sun…

Source of False Religion

Bible Study covering Nimrod and the source of the false Babylonian religious system. The first in a multi-part series.
An artist's rendition of the Towel of Babel

Babylon Stands Against God

Bible prophecy shows a coming superpower called “Babylon the Great” will rise to dominate global events before Jesus Christ returns. God says to His people, “Come out of her . . . don’t take part in her sins.” What does...


Our goal today is to see that these small daily acts of overcoming, which can be sometimes painful, sometimes tedious, sometimes joyful are part of a grander scheme. You might not feel like an Abraham being called out into a…
Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 6

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 6


The Wonderful World Beyond Today... Refreshing News

After thousands of years of abuse, corruption and misrule, finally there will be a government that is always for the people—truly serving with everyone's best interest in mind. Part three of a series.