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Sun and Moon Worship in Modern Babylon

Many of the beliefs and symbols of the earliest pagan religions have found their way into modern churches. In this sermon, Dr. Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in the Atlanta and Buford, GA, discusses the ancient worship of the sun and moon, and how these have become elements and trappings of the Roman Catholic church today. [Notes - This sermon was given on 7/1/17 in the Atlanta congregation, and in Buford on 6/24/17. Also, Dr. Holladay accompanied his message with PowerPoint slides. These are not attached, but he generally describes the slide content.]

Steven Holladay is a professor at the University of Georgia, and also serves as Department Head, Biosciences and Diagnostic Imaging. He has spoken nationally and internationally about damage to the immune system caused by endocrine disrupting environmental chemicals, and has published over 150 research manuscripts. He has been a member of numerous research journal editorial boards, was Editor of the journal Advances in Pharmacological Sciences from 2006-2009, and served as Associate Editor for BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology from 2008-2015. He has also served as an expert invited reviewer over 30 times for the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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