
The Rapture

There is a commonly held belief that the saints will be raptured away. What does the Bible have to say about the rapture theory?

4 Myths About Mary

Does the Bible tell us to venerate or worship Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ? This split sermon examines 4 common myths about Mary.
Vatican city with St. Peter's Basilica

Is the Protestant Reformation Being Undone?

When the Catholic monk Martin Luther challenged the Catholic Church with his Ninety-five Theses, few could’ve foreseen the upheaval and division that would result. Now, 500 years later, could we see a reunification of world Christianity? Does Bible prophecy give...
A sun setting over hills.

The Coming World Religious Reformation

We hope you’ll carefully read the articles in this issue to better understand the right and truly needed religious reformation that is coming for the entire world—and how you can be a part of the greatest changes the world has...

The Catholic Church Does Not Have the Authority to Change the Bible!

Do churches have the authority to change what God inspired to be written in the Holy Bible? Did God invest Peter and his successors with this ability? The Catholic Church claims that they can alter and even do away with…

Sun and Moon Worship in Modern Babylon

Many of the beliefs and symbols of the earliest pagan religions have found their way into modern churches. In this sermon, Dr. Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in the Atlanta and Buford, GA, discusses the ancient worship of the sun…

Galileo, Netflix, and the Pharisees

How could Galileo, Netflix, and the Pharisees be connected in any way? In all 3 scenarios, existing institutions rejected the overwhelming truth. Examples of Catholicism rejecting scientific findings of Galileo, Blockbuster ignoring the business threat of Netflix, and the Pharisees…
Media Production

“Their history is our history”

Is the history of the Roman Catholic Church all Christianity’s history?
The Twelve Months - Part One

The Twelve Months - Part One

Usually, we move through life existing within a calendar we take for granted, but have you ever wondered about the origin of the names and structure of our calendar months?
Upclose photo of a man's eye.

God Called Me Out of the World

We all must be on guard against the sinister influence that saturates this world.