
A Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

For the world in general this has been a very stressful time. We as God's called out ones should not be afraid of what's going on around us, and God provides an antidote to the fear and paranoia that is…

Navigating Life in an Uncertain World

The world is changing rapidly. With the current COVID-19 crisis, it seems more unstable than ever. How do we react to this world and to the resulting changes in our lives? This message identifies biblically-based priniciples which we can use…

Don't Panic!

During turbulent times such as the current Coronavirus pandemic, it's easy to let fear and worry take over our thoughts and let panic set in. But as followers of Christ, should that happen to us? In this message we'll look…

Principles for Peace

God gives us the principles for developing peace of mind, peace with others, and peace among the nations. During this time between the fall holy days and the spring holy days. let's stay focused on the principles for personal peace…

Thy Kingdom Come

The return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom is on the horizon. It will be a time where peace, hope, and joy reign forever! Until that promise comes to pass, we must proclaim this hope for the…

Envision the Kingdom

How much do we think about what the Kingdom of God will be like? Mr. Wendt reviews some of the wonderful promises that will help us look forward to God's government. Read about it in the Bible, meditate on it…

Peace Anyone?

There is an "inner peace" that each of us hopefully have experienced at some points of time in our lives. Jesus Christ - The Prince of Peace, is our link, our source and our guide to attaining more of this…

Pray for Peace

Do you ever have trials or see things in life that leave you wondering 'why?' Why does God allow this or that to happen? Or perhaps, why can't I get the things I 'need' in life? Sometimes, we think we…

Peace and the Passover

One fruit of God's Spirit is "Peace" (Galatians 5). What is Godly peace? How can we have the peace that comes through God's Spirit? How is true peace related to Passover and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?

God's Peace

We may feel we know for sure what God’s Peace is. We may even think we know how to have it and keep it. Well, since Christ gave it to the disciples on the night before His crucifixion, and then…