
Bible Study

Christ will return to sit on the throne of David. Is it connected to the British monarchy? This study explores how the throne of David was foretold to last, how it was transferred, where it is now and where it…

Promises to Abraham-Part 2

God's promises to Abraham that were passed on to Isaac and Jacob and the blessings to Manasseh and Ephraim.

God's Promises to Abraham-Part 1

God's promises to Abraham passed on down through Abraham to Ephraim and Manasseh.
The Promises to Abraham, Part 2

Understanding Prophecy

Have you ever been promised an awesome reward, as long as you held up your end of the bargain?
Magazine Issue

Compass Check: Winter 2019

Talk about variety! There is something for everyone in our winter issue of Compass Check magazine. Vaping is in the news across the U.S., and a new writer to CC has written a very informative article about this new health...

The Covenants - Part 3 - That Which was from the Beginning

There is spiritual wisdom that teaches us which laws, principles, institutions, and promises to endure for all time, for all people. Understanding these things will be a major step toward a more complete comprehending of the Old and the New…

How Did The Lost Ten Tribes Of Israel Become Lost?

It is important to know the history of Abraham and his descendants and where those people are today. This knowledge enables us to understand prophetic references regarding those people. Many prophecies about Israel today are referring to many more nations…

God's Promises to Abraham

Bible Study--Fundamental Belief: God's Promises to Abraham. Discover what God said to and did for Abraham due to his faith and righteousness. Learn also what this means in terms of the opportunity of salvaion for all people through Jesus Christ.

The Promise Is To You and Your Children

Abraham was a man who God knew would teach his children "...that they keep the way of the LORD..." From the time of Abraham to our day, God is working through families. This sermon addresses the love of God, as…

God, Moses, Israel and Us

As we approach the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread this year we have spent a good amount of time on self-examination, personal reflection and God’s love and grace toward His children. Today I would like to go back in…