
Race to the Kingdom like the Pony Express

In the 1850's, the Pony Express delivered mail from Missouri to California. The Pony Express riders had three qualities that we should emulate on our race to the Kingdom.

He Who Endures To the End Will Be Saved

Will you be among those who are among the faithful, who remain steadfast until Christ's return? We need to be able to endure the hardships and stresses that come along, and not be distracted from pursuing the vision of the…

A People Called To Finish the Race

As Ambassadors of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, we’ve been given the great honor to represent our homeland as runners in a race of a lifetime. We’ve been called to not only start this race, but to endure…

Race, D.N.A. and Character

We learn of the example of the African-American musician, author and activist, Daryl Davis, who managed to befriend KKK members, and after developing a relationship with them, helped about 200 clan members to leave and denounce the group. We will…

When Runners Stumble

Paul, in 1 Corinthians 9, uses the analogy of running in a race so as to win an imperishable crown. Sometimes runners stumble and fall, as we all do in our own Christian race. Applying this lesson to our preparation…

Of Sleeping, Racing, Kings and Eternal Life

What lessons can we learn from the example of King Solomon? God promised King David peace and quietness to Israel during the reign of his son King Solomon. Solomon started his race in life well. He did not fail because…

Healthy and Unhealthy Guilt in the Bible

What are healthy and unhealthy guilt and how can you tell the difference between them? Do not fall into false ideas concerning guilty feelings.

Secretariat - a famous horse race with valuable Christian lessons

In the book of Jeremiah we see the metaphor of a race we need to participate in and see to the end. See how the famous Belmont Stakes horse race of 1973, and its winner, Secretariat, parallels the race God…

Transformed From the Inside Out

Achieving success in sports requires discipline, and some much more than others. In this split-sermon, Jon Beam discusses some of the training and mental requirements needed by extreme runners and compares it to the endurance and spiritual qualities that Christians…

Run the Race of Your Life

Isn’t Life like the Monte Carlo Race? Winning the race and gaining the prize of eternal life.