The imagery at the opening ceremony of the 2022 Commonwealth Games, including a giant beast, was largely drawn from the book of Revelation. 

Have the Ancient Gods Returned?

A recent book puts forth an intriguing idea that the ancient gods of the pagan world have returned to haunt our modern societies. Have the pagan deities returned? Or could it be something else, something most do not understand?

Safety from Terror

The world as we know it is heading for destruction. What will happen to true Christians during the End Times?
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Philadelphia: The Faithful Church 

Christ was pleased with this congregation since it held firmly to God’s Word while enduring great opposition.
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Sardis: Complacency Kills

Jesus scolded a Christian congregation that had lost its spiritual zeal. What’s the key message for us? Stay fervent!
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Thyatira: Seek First the Kingdom of God

Beware of contemporary idols. Don’t allow thoughts, desires, objects or people come between you and God.
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Pergamos: Where Satan Dwells

The devil has a dominion on earth and he seeks your worship! The Bible’s message is to never compromise with evil.
Back of the pope.

Will Pope Francis Resign?

The 85-year-old Pontiff may decide to resign.
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Smyrna: Faith Under Fire

The crown of life was pledged to Christians who stayed faithful in troubling times. Learn how that reward can be yours.
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Ephesus: The Church that Left Love Behind

While zeal for biblical truth is vital, it must not be at the expense of love for God and each other.

Rome in Revelation

Can historical trends explain the prophecies in Revelation 17?