three women smiling

Who is in Your Cloud?

“Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” (Hebrews 12:1).

Race to the Kingdom like the Pony Express

In the 1850's, the Pony Express delivered mail from Missouri to California. The Pony Express riders had three qualities that we should emulate on our race to the Kingdom.

A People Called To Finish the Race

As Ambassadors of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, we’ve been given the great honor to represent our homeland as runners in a race of a lifetime. We’ve been called to not only start this race, but to endure…

Your Most Important Race.

The bible compares our Christian journey to running a race. Our spiritual race can also be tiring and very difficult at times, yet we are encouraged to remember the prize that God will give to all who endure – eternal…

Failure and Success

A runner must follow the rules, stay in the boundaries, and get to the finish line. Paul said we must run the spiritual race.


An Iron-man triathlon is a significant endurance event that requires diligent preparation, and physical training to complete. Upon completion, one is 'crowned' as a Finisher. In this message we will explore the parallels between running our spiritual race and look…

Run the Race of Your Life

Isn’t Life like the Monte Carlo Race? Winning the race and gaining the prize of eternal life.

Our Most Important Race

The bible compares our Christian journey to running a race. Our spiritual race can be tiring and very difficult at times, but we are encouraged to remember the prize that God will give to all who endure – eternal life!

Running From, Running To

Repentance is not just "running from" Satan's world. It's also, and more so, about "running to" God's Kingdom. Psalm 51 is an outline of repentance, conversion, serving God and His Church, and seeking the Kingdom of God.

You Will Run with Horses

Listen to this sermon to learn what it means to run with spiritual horses. Train harder! Labor in the food of everlasting life - the hidden manna awaits!