Satan's Deceptive Powers

How can you resist the devil and flee temptation?


Why Satan Must Be Bound

The Day of Atonement represents the reconciliation between God and mankind; and the casting down of Satan. As we live in this present age before Satan is bound, it's important to understand what are the traps/snares that even the elect…

Spiritual Warfare - Part 2

In a continuation of a previous sermonette, Stephen Kusi continues to discuss the warfare that Satan wages against God's people.

Why do we Knowingly Sin?

This sermon covers four reasons that we knowingly sin. It is important to recognize these areas so that we can overcome--as we are reminded by the upcoming Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Know Your Enemy

Do you know who your enemy is? Do you understand the strategies and approaches your enemy will develop to attack you? 9/11 took America by surprise. We clearly failed to recognize and understand our enemy so we could defend against…

Lessons From 1 Kings 13

The man of God mentioned in 1 Kings 13 was fooled by an adversary, an old prophet, that is still after the people of God. Learn how to protect yourself.

Satan-the Master Broadcaster

In Ephesian 2:2 Satan is called the prince of the power of the air working-inside the minds of-people. The main point of discussion—How Satan gets us to sin by wedging pride into our decision making.

The First Fake News Broadcast

Exploring the words that state then the eyes of both of them were opened.

Satan’s Great Deceptions

Satan has deceived mankind since the Garden of Eden. We look at three of Satan’s great deceptions – one he won. One he lost. And one that he seemed to win. But did he?

The Devil Made Me Do It

Anyone who tries to live God’s way, experiences hate. If we live the way Jesus Christ taught, we are not accepted by this world. Satan motivates this world to hate God’s way of life and anyone who lives it. What…

Our Faith Versus Satan's Tools

God wants us to succeed but Satan wants us to fail. How is our faith? Let's look at the different ways that Satan tries to destroy us.