Satan's Deceptive Powers

How can you resist the devil and flee temptation?


The Devil Made Me Do It

Are we fighting Satan? Does he make us sin? We are called to fight, but fight what?

God's Will

Listen to this sermon to learn about God's will. Does God give blessings? Can God's will change? Is God's will a form of predestination? Does God cause tragedy? God allows man to have free will. God also says Satan is…

Our Distractions

How we can keep Satan's distractions from derailing our goal of following God.


John Ramirez, a former Satan worshipper, is featured to explain his confusion over how a Christian could justify participation in Halloween.

Satan’s Final Rebellion

Why is Satan released at the end of the Millennium? What Satan has used, is using, & will use at the end of the 1000 years is man’s fleshly desires, that will be allowed to be awakened again, in the…

Avoiding The Evil Spiritual Realm

How Powerful is Satan And his demons and what tools does God provide to us to protect ourselves from Satan's games?

The End of Satan's Deception

As we think about the plan of God, we can look forward to one aspect of the fulfillment of the day of Atonement. That aspect is the end of Satan's deception of Mankind.

Zeal of the Lord

God's plan has been set from the very foundation of the world. Through His zeal it will be accomplished and nothing can stand in the way.

What's That Noise?

Trumpets PM Sermonette. There is a LOT of noise in the world around us today. How Satan uses this noise to distract us from our goal and keep us out of the Kingdom of God

Avoiding Satan's Deception

Polls show that many Christians don't believe Satan is real, only being a personification of evil, but he is real, and he does influence this world. Through the help of a mnemonic device a process for avoiding deception is explained.