Satan's Deceptive Powers

How can you resist the devil and flee temptation?


Recognizing the Spirit of the World

We're told of three spirits: the spirit of man, the Spirit of God, and the spirit of the world. (1 Cor. 2) What is the spirit of the world? What impact does it have? How can we identify that spirit…

How the Sabbath was Spirited Away

What are the three main arguments used against the Sabbath? Tune in and find out.

Nip It

There are many forms of gossip and we need to make sure that as Christians we aren't participating in any one of its many forms. The Bible says to cast out the scoffer and contention will leave. Let us not…

Jesus Christ Our Advocate

Jesus Christ has many roles: Savior, High Priest and soon coming King of Kings. But there is one role we often overlook: Jesus Christ as our Advocate. Today we'll exam His role as our advocate, using the idea of a…

Generation ME

Consider what we do about our heart and how we treat the gift of salvation that we have. We live in Generation ME. What is feeding us, the ME channel from Satan or the Spiritual Vine from God?

If I were the Devil

The Devil uses everything he can against us. Do we stumble through some of the unexpected devices we don't see. Lets review some of the schemes and worldly desires he uses to pull us away from God.

Satan & the Demons:

Those who are engaged in military conflict have no doubt who their enemies are, are trained to do battle and have a plan to defeat those enemies. As the apostle Paul said we are in a spiritual conflict with evil…

Avoiding the Influence of This World

Our calling is not only for our future salvation, but it also serves to free us from this present evil age.

The Evil Eye

Have you ever had someone look at you in a way that makes you shudder? That is the same evil eye that Satan uses.

Beware of the Wiles of the Devil

Now after the Days of Unleavened Bread we are on a symbolic journey to Pentecost, and we need to be alert to the perils along the way. Satan is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. We must…