Satan's Deceptive Powers

How can you resist the devil and flee temptation?


Satan's Three Devices of Deception-Red Herring

Satan uses three devices against us to try to get us distracted from where we should be headed.

Three Tactics of Satan

Satan has three main devices that he uses against us. Examples of these three are discussed.

What's Going on Behind the Scenes?

When things don't make sense. Is there something going on in the behind the scenes invisible spirit world?

In Every Nook and Cranny

Satan will try his best to get our focus off the right things of God during this Passover season. We must not let this happen and to remain balanced especially during the coming holy days.

Standing in the Armor of God

Let us make no mistake, we are in a war. And let us not underestimate that Satan is a powerful enemy. Satan hates humanity and would like nothing else but to see mankind's total and complete destruction. On our own…

Get To Know Our Adversary

As we approach the Passover and as we examine ourselves, we need to look at the tactics of our adversary. Understand more fully how the flesh wars against the spirit. Then we need to utilize the Spirit that God has…

Three Tactics of Satan to Pull us Away

At the end of the Apostle John’s life, he wrote an epistle that spoke of the love we should have for one another in this life. John actually saw Jesus and was taught by Him. In this book, we see…

Buying the Eiffel Tower

The most infamous con of all time is Satan convincing man that he doesn't need God. It is recorded in the pages of history and that same con is in existence today. In this sermon we will look at Satan's…

Satan's Chaotic Trap

We live in a world awash in entertainment choices - many designed by the god of this world to focus our attention away from God. Bill Brown, an elder serving in Atlanta and Buford, GA, discusses the need to clear…

The Tale of Two Beasts

This is the next part on the Book of Revelation series. This message covers chapter 13. A Tale of 2 Beasts.