Media Production

Preach From Scripture

The Bible is our authority. We can never go wrong if we stand behind the scriptures.

What Does “Judge Not Lest You Be Judged” Mean?

One of the most misused and misunderstood teachings of Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount—Judge not lest you be judged. This sermon expands on what Jesus meant, using the immediate context of that statement as well as other scriptures…
Media Production

How to Become a Living Sacrifice

The Bible and early church history shows us how we can truly dedicate our lives to God.

You Are the Salt of the Earth

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said that His disciples are to be the “salt of the earth.” In our modern world, it is difficult to fully comprehend this statement. Salt is essential for maintaining human life. It is…

Christ's Sermon on the Mount

This sermon goes through Christ's sermon on the mount.

Repent for the Kingdom is at Hand

Join us for this very interesting study of the 4 gospels and how they described Jesus Christ (from their individual styles) and his coming Kingdom.
Media Production

Fed Up With Church? Part 2

Is the Bible relevant in your daily life? You need to look at the scriptures to see, "What is God telling me? What does God want me to know?".

The Sermon on the Mount Part 11

If you will live by these sermons given to us by our Lord and Savior, you will be one with Christ and our Father in heaven.

Five Warnings About God's True Way of Life

Jesus spoke as one having authority. Jesus gave, in very direct words, five different cases where God's true way of life was different from what the Jews had been taught by their religious leaders. There are deep lessons here for…

Be A Peacemaker

In a split-sermon while visiting Atlanta, pastor Dan Dowd discussed the words Jesus Christ spoke about peace on the Sermon on the Mount. Peace is not just the absence of war. A peacemaker has to actively pursue peace.