We experience the temptation to steal even from childhood.

The Ten Commandments Series

“You shall not steal” (Exodus 20:15; Deuteronomy 5:19).

Prophecy and the Spirit of This Age

What is happening in many parts of the world? Tune in and find out!

Is Your Joy Infectious?

Speaker: Tom Meece 8/24/19 Most are unaware that the biblical fruit of joy can be deliberately developed. This message focuses on 4 areas that can be developed to produce joy, and points out some bad habits that steal our joy…

The 8th Commandment: Do Not Steal

Respect for other people’s property, whether tangible or intangible, and respect for our obligations and duties towards others represents one of the most frequent, daily expressions of our desire to love God and love our neighbor. It is all about…

The Minor Prophets: Malachi - God's Love For His People

In an on-going series of sermons on the Minor Prophets, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses God's displeasure in the Book of Malachi with the sins being committed by the priests and the people following the…
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The 10 Commandments in the New Testament: Part 8

The Eighth Commandment is reflected in Ephesians 4 as Paul writes to the church in Ephesus.

Thou Shall Not Steal

We all know that taking a physical thing that doesn't belong to us is stealing. But do you know what else God, who is the ultimate possessor, considers stealing?
Media Production

The Eighth Commandment: It is More Blessed to Give than to Receive

Truly honoring the Eighth Commandment requires more than just not breaking it.
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The Eighth Commandment: What Would You Do?

Robbing liqueur stores and pickpocketing are obvious transgressions of the eighth commandment, but there are some ways you could be breaking God's law and not even know it.

The 8th Commandment - Do Not Steal

There must be something intrinsically good about property rights and ownership that God would give a command that has the effect of endorsing and protecting ownership and property rights. Why does God want us to have property? Aren't possessions a…