
Profit From Our Problems

How does God intervene with our problems? Where do our problems come from? What can we learn from our problems?
A woman sitting beside herself looking out over a vista.

Stress Reduction Principles From the Apostle Paul

At times when we despair because things are going wrong in our lives, spare a thought for the apostle Paul.
Media Production

Fight or Flight

Stress can trigger a "fight or flight" response, but the Bible reveals a way to lean into the stress and overcome this response: a prayer for the bold.
Media Production

Beyond Today Interview: Anxiety, Depression and Despair Have Consequences - Part 2

Peter Eddington talks with Andi Chapman, registered nurse and regional clinical educator specializing in educational and consulting services for general community and healthcare staff. In Part 2, they continue their discussion consequences of anxiety, depression, and despair have on us.
Media Production

Beyond Today Interview: Anxiety, Depression and Despair Have Consequences - Part 1

Peter Eddington talks with Andi Chapman, registered nurse and regional clinical educator specializing in educational and consulting services for general community and healthcare staff. In Part 1, they discuss the consequences anxiety, depression, and despair have on us.
A woman with her head down on her arms.

Bible Answers for Coping With Stress

God’s Word gives direct answers to many of our questions about how to deal with stress.
A woman with her chin resting on her hand.

Keys to Coping in Troubled Times

When you face stressful, unsettling trials and troubles, how can you cope most effectively? Plus, what is genuine faith and how can it help you successfully face and overcome life’s inevitable adversities?
Magazine Issue

Beyond Today Magazine: July–August 2021

We live in what seems to be a world of unrelenting stress—problem after problem that saps away our strength, sanity and endurance. Jobs, family, health, finances, the state of our countries—it seems that nothing is safe and stable anymore. So...

He Who Endures To the End Will Be Saved

Will you be among those who are among the faithful, who remain steadfast until Christ's return? We need to be able to endure the hardships and stresses that come along, and not be distracted from pursuing the vision of the…

A Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

For the world in general this has been a very stressful time. We as God's called out ones should not be afraid of what's going on around us, and God provides an antidote to the fear and paranoia that is…