
Dealing with Tests

How do we deal with tests? We see the perfect example of Jesus Christ as He went through tests from Satan.

The Importance of Spiritual Discernment

Spiritual discernment is the ability to see the spiritual reality of a matter. It allows us to answer questions like, “What is the motivation, attitude or spiritual influence behind this circumstance?” As God’s people, developing the ability to test and…

Into the Wilderness

Israel's years of wandering are a warning and instruction for us as we face yet another year wandering in the spiritual wilderness of this world. Four points to consider in the coming year.

Tempted, Tested and Tried

God created the physical universe and gave His only Son for a purpose vastly more important than for you and I to merely enjoy nice living today. The brief lifetime that is available to each of us is necessary for…

Times of Testing

Why must we endure times of testing, trials and hardships? James 1:2-4 reads “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, (v3) knowing that the testing of your faith produces [a]patience. (v4) But let patience have…

On to perfection

Many products that we use go thru a testing process to insure quality. Christians go thru a testing process that often includes trials so God can mold us into what he wants us to be.

But If Not

Daniel chapter 3 is an account of unmovable faith. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, we too must acknowledge God’s supremacy and authority, putting Him first. We must trust completely in His promised deliverance. The expression, “But if not”, doesn’t convey…

It’s in The Stretch

God says whatever your hands find to do, to do it with all your might. God wants us to stretch to our full potential. We have to use wisdom and we should plan using God’s plan as our guide. God…

Counting the Costs

Are you counting the cost? How much are you willing to give when counting the cost?

What God Wants from Us

God promises His people the great rewards of eternal life and a position of rulership in His kingdom. But what does He require of us in return? He wants us to put Him first in our lives, care about our…