
Collapse of Nations-Collapse of a People

Many believe we are plummeting toward the “end of the age”, or the “end of days”. If so then just what do we do in these dangerous times?

Is the World Evil?

Is the world essentially evil? What is meant by “the world” and what is evil? This message assesses the world as it is from a biblical perspective, and directs us to the hope we can have in knowing that God…

The State of Society

We live in perilous times, under the influence of a sick and dysfunctional world. Confusion is everywhere. The ability of the Christian message to influence society has been greatly diminished. Anti-God attitudes and values permeate the culture. This is the…

How Bad Is It?

In the first of a two-part sermon, Jerry Shallenberger, a local elder serving in Atlanta and Buford, GA, discusses the out-of-control society that we find ourselves living in. There seems to be a cultural war taking place around us. What…

The Spirits Directing World News.

What is behind all the bad news we are bombarded with daily? Is it just evil and corrupt leaders in the world competing for dominance and power? Is it politicians alone transforming the United States into a debtor nation with…

Where Are We in Prophecy?

The year 2019 has arrived! Exactly where are we today in end-time prophecy? For the best that we can know, listen in to find out our present position in biblical prophecy.

Will You Endure the Storm?

As we see a storm approaching us, we can move out of its path if needed. But, we are unable to flee from the world that is around us. We must endure the "storms" this world throws at us.

Should We Be Troubled By What is Going On in the World?

We, as Christians, are not accepted in this country. We look around and see chaos all around. Should we be affected by these things? Our faith must be such that we are not troubled by the world. There is nothing…

Where Do We Go From Here?

Since the Feast of Tabernacles, we have come back to an evil world that marches on toward destruction. What is happening in this world? How are we supposed to be in this world? As followers of Jesus Christ, we are…

Come Out of Her My People

The World's version of multiculturalism is poison to the True Christian. We'll examine the concept through the lens of the Word of God.