
Where Are We In Biblical Prophecy?

The Bible has several areas that point out markers in End Time Prophecy. This message identifies them.

Christians and Politics

A Biblical view of a Christian not participating in the politics of this world.

Does God Weep?

As our Heavenly Father looks down upon the world and sees the afflictions that man has imposed upon his fellow man, does He weep? Satan and his minions greatly influence the world around us and it would appear we have…

We Need the Kingdom of God, Now

A review of why the world needs the return of Jesus Christ and the saints' role in bringing many songs to glory.

The Deadly Dilemma

The deadly dilemma is a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives. Either leads to death. The truth of God cannot be mixed with another ideology. True Christians have only one choice. Only the straight and narrow way leads to salvation.

The Second Great Enemy of Our Faith

We can recognize Satan as our great enemy to our faith. Satan currently is the ruler of the world we live in. As a result of this, we see great human suffering and hardships. This is not our world. We…

Where Are We in Prophecy?

Bible Study addressing the prophecies of Daniel and the events that we have witnessed in our lifetime.

The Urgency of the Times

In this sermon Mr. Kevin Call shows from the apostle Paul that we should always realize the urgency of the time we are living in. Mr. Call illustrates that Paul was expecting for Christ to return in his life time…

What's Happening?

Do you know what is happening in this world? How caught up in this world are you? Stay alert to current world conditions through watching, studying and prayer.

What Do You See? What Does It Mean?

What do you see in the world today? Will it have an impact on what you do with your life?