

The world works against us and pressures us to conform to it’s values. Each and every day we must actively work to make the transformation process more complete.

Passover Parallel

We know the story. The nation of Israel was enslaved in Egypt and Pharaoh would not let the people go. A profoundly significant event was about to take place and they would be saved through a final plague. But examining…

Remember This Day

God told Israel, “Remember this day in which you went out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” That is a great lesson for us, because He wants us to never forget the great lessons in this Feast of…

Jesus Christ the Wave Sheaf Accepted on Our Behalf

Speaker: Jim Chance 4/11/20 Powerpoint for Sermon under DOWNLOADS tab. We will examine how the Feast of First Fruits Old Covenant symbols were fulfilled by Jesus Christ as the Wave Sheaf in the New Covenant. This message will explain how…

Keeping the Festivals of God (Fundamental Beliefs Part 12)

The speaker gives an overview of the Feasts of the Lord. Understanding of the gospel message and God's plan of salvation is enriched by realizing that God uses the physical harvests of food crops to symbolize the spiritual harvests of…

Numbers 28-29

This Bible study covers Number 28 and 29. These are two unique chapters inserted between chapters 25 and 31 where Moses is instructed to go to war against the Midianites in chapter 25 and when the Israelites actually go to…

Getting to Know the Lord God Who Spoke

Can we identify Who He was? Why did He say “these are My feasts?” Does it matter?

This too shall pass

All physical things of this world shall pass away. The phrase, "this too shall pass" will never be needed again once God's kingdom is established.

Best Movie Ever

“Best Movie Ever” We understand that God promises redemption, but at times, it seems like just another story. Something that could’ve come out of a movie, but redemption that is coming is real. It is better than any movie ever…

Who Will Dwell in God’s Holy Hill?

Who Will Dwell in God’s Holy Hill? What does it mean to abide in God’s Tabernacle, in His Holy Hill? I will expound on the five verses in Psalms 15.